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Tabletop Battlefields Mk.II

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Game-ready tabletop board scenery sets are a totally new idea - containing thematical terrain and a playmat available at a decent price!

The scenery is made of special polyurethane foam which is well known for its durability. It is easy to glue with cyanoacrylate adhesive and can be primed & painted with almost any coating.

Products we create are up to date with current rules of different wargames, therefore playing on them feels natural and easy-going. We are wargamers ourselves, so don't hesitate and put your trust in us!

Tabletop Battlefields Mk.II - Kicktraq Mini

Factious Waste: Post-apocalyptic miniatures skirmish game

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Following previous successful Kickstarters with The Woods and Legends of British Steampunk, Oakbound are returning to bring you Factious Waste, the second of Oakbound's settings to run off the SystemMech game system. Factious Waste is the world the rules were designed for back in 2014. Since then we have been playtesting and refining and are finally ready to launch this cinematic sandbox skirmish. Players build their own posses of up to 12 figures which grow, gain skills, equipment, injuries and character traits, control territories and fulfil contracts over a series of games.

Survive Et Al! Rocky Mountains Boardgame

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This idea for this game came on a two-week boat trip up a tributary of the Amazon Jungle. My goal was to make a game to both teach and get people talking about survival. During many long, hot hours of boredom on that small boat, I sat thinking, drawing, and just plain scratching my head. I scribbled on playing cards and notepaper, carving pieces of wood as tokens. In that 100+ degree heat, between meals of beans and rice, I came up with the idea which was the seed for the most realistic family style survival board game to date.

Survive Et Al! Rocky Mountains Boardgame - Kicktraq Mini

Factious Waste: Post-apocalyptic miniatures skirmish game

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Following previous successful Kickstarters with The Woods and Legends of British Steampunk, Oakbound are returning to bring you Factious Waste, the second of Oakbound's settings to run off the SystemMech game system. Factious Waste is the world the rules were designed for back in 2014. Since then we have been playtesting and refining and are finally ready to launch this cinematic sandbox skirmish. Players build their own posses of up to 12 figures which grow, gain skills, equipment, injuries and character traits, control territories and fulfil contracts over a series of games.

Factious Waste: Post-apocalyptic miniatures skirmish game - Kicktraq Mini

Road/Kill: Vendetta

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Road/Kill is the tabletop miniatures game where horsepower meets firepower! A unique mix of anticipation and chaos in a setting that blends Mad Max, Judge Dredd and Dune, Road/Kill can be played by 2-4 players in an hour or two with a variety of scenarios and settings to choose from.

Road/Kill: Vendetta - Kicktraq Mini

IceyDicey - The Narwhal Dice Game

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The world’s first Narwhal-centric dice game. Score the dice or turn to ice!

IceyDicey - The Narwhal Dice Game - Kicktraq Mini

SPACEFIGHTER - Tabletop spacefighting game (in space)

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SPACEFIGHTER is a grid based, combat game with elements of chance & strategy. Accessible, with 2-Player games lasting between 30-45 mins. Roll 3 Action dice per turn to decide your combination of Move, Attack, or Draw. The leftover D6 is the Distance Roll which determines how far your ships travel with each movement.

SPACEFIGHTER - Tabletop spacefighting game (in space) - Kicktraq Mini

Punkin Fight!

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It's a rainy, Halloween Night. You're under attack. A rival gang is lobbing Punkin Bombs at your various clubhouses around town—trying to bring them down, and take over your turf. It's time to fight back!

Punkin Fight! - Kicktraq Mini

Heart of Varrul

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A sci-fi sourcebook and megadventure for White Star: Science Fiction Roleplaying

Heart of Varrul - Kicktraq Mini
Heart of Varrul

VTT Tokens for your Best RPG

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All in PNG'S with transparent backgrounds, all digital downloads files 😉

12 complete sets to choose from ( don't forget that they come in pairs , take a look in the presentation they have matching symbols)

3 add-ons you can add that amount to your pledge anytime 😉

VTT Tokens for your Best RPG - Kicktraq Mini

Pizza World

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Players are master pizza makers looking for the finest ingredients in a market to complete shopping lists.

Pizza World - Kicktraq Mini

Death By Cantaloupe

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Death by Cantaloupe is a fast paced, wacky card game that has you avoiding cantaloupes and wishing for a Crazy Coconut.

Race against your friends to be the first to reach 100 points.

Combine your strategy and the luck of the draw to turn your friends into highly nutritious fruit juice.

Death By Cantaloupe - Kicktraq Mini

Slashed: Camp Hazard

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Slashed: Camp Hazard is a card game by the crew from Riddle This Gaming! We are husband and wife duo Andrea and Chris and we share a love of tabletops, but felt like there was a piece missing in our collection. We wanted to have a game that was simple enough to share with all types of players: both veteran tabletop gamers and people who are used to simple party games. So we created a smooth-play style card game with easy-to-learn rules and a casual and quick gameplay so you can setup and go in less than five minutes and play over and over.

Slashed: Camp Hazard - Kicktraq Mini

Miniature Scenery Terrain for Tabletop gaming & Wargames 3

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The North… In the ice of an endless winter, man and creatures have fled these spaces. Former outposts of flourishing civilizations, all that is left today are ruins and memories of a time long past.

The glaciers have reclaimed their territory and in a slow crawl they once again shape these lands to immortalize their power. Peaks, cliffs, chasms, and snow… This is how this continent is now defined, as all eyes watch with apprehension, as if facing an implacable enemy.

Miniature Scenery Terrain for Tabletop gaming & Wargames 3 - Kicktraq Mini

Outbreak: Undead 2E - The Survival Horror Simulation RPG

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Outbreak: Undead.. is the ENnie award-winning RPG that first premiered at GenCon 2010 as the very first Zombie Survival Simulation RPG. The game debuted to a wide audience gaining popularity with both Role Players as well as the Zombie/Survivalist community, obtaining a 'PLATINUM SELLER' status on DTRPG.

Over 7 years ago we told people YOUR ZOMBIE SURVIVAL PLAN WILL FAIL, and asked you to PROVE US WRONG. Many of you did, but CAN YOU SURVIVE the next stage?

Outbreak: Undead 2E - The Survival Horror Simulation RPG - Kicktraq Mini
Outbreak: Undead 2E - The Survival Horror Simulation RPG

Near and Far: Amber Mines

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Golden Amber fills the deep mines, it's fiery, cold embers glowing in the ancient rocks. Scholars say that the Arzians valued it above gold or silver, and wore it as a sign of wealth. Perhaps the rare substance holds forgotten secrets about the long-dead empire and their lust for power?

This is an expansion for the game Near and Far and requires Near and Far to play.

Near and Far: Amber Mines - Kicktraq Mini
Near and Far: Amber Mines

Dice Base™: FLUME 2 - The Ultimate Dice Tower System

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The best dice tower (we've) ever made.

Compact, modular, versatile, and the ability to roll some of the biggest dice made. Up to 40mm depending on overall shape. 1.25" spheres are what we used as our base pass-though model.

This is achieved while preventing zero-touch pass-through using the perfect number of nubs, bumps, slides, ledges and arms. Roll a 5mm die as easily as a 40mm.

Dice Base™: FLUME 2 - The Ultimate Dice Tower System - Kicktraq Mini
Dice Base™: FLUME 2 - The Ultimate Dice Tower System

Amazon SmasHers - Amazons and Humans for Fantasy Football

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We announced this project some months ago and now we are finally ready to launch the crowfunding campaign for our Amazon team for fantasy football.

We created a unique team of 16 different figures with an original design and some nice extra figures to add to your team.

Amazon SmasHers - Amazons and Humans for Fantasy Football - Kicktraq Mini
Amazon SmasHers - Amazons and Humans for Fantasy Football

War of Warriors - A Family Friendly Tabletop Game of War

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War of Warriors is a tabletop game based on the classic card Game of War. Card design and player specific dice enhance game play.

"War of Warriors is a tabletop game that is based on the classic card game of war. I first thought of this concept while playing war with my kids. I thought wouldn't it be fun if the cards represented real life warriors? That would be cool! I also thought about the game play and what could be done to make it more challenging. Don't tell your kids but it might help them enjoy practicing math. "

War of Warriors - A Family Friendly Tabletop Game of War - Kicktraq Mini

Fantasy Stock Art & RPG Minis

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50+ Printable Minis and RPG Stock Illustrations created from backer ideas and submissions. Get your favorite character illustrated!

This project will be creating a minimum of 50 fantasy characters and creatures to be used in roleplaying game products and printable miniatures.

Ideas for what will be illustrated will be provided by YOU. I will first illustrate any guaranteed ideas and then alternate between randomly selecting ideas and choosing those that inspire me.

Fantasy Stock Art & RPG Minis - Kicktraq Mini
Fantasy Stock Art & RPG Minis

Diehard Miniatures: Undead Rising

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The Undead Rising set will encompass both Fantasy and Sci-Fi miniatures. Small skirmish units to a full army, the choice is yours!

Diehard Miniatures: Undead Rising - Kicktraq Mini
Diehard Miniatures: Undead Rising

Neon Knights - The Board Game

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A Cyberpunk Battle Racing Board game. Upgrade your custom car... Drive the modular track... Destroy your opponents! You ready?

Neon Knights - The Board Game - Kicktraq Mini

Haunt the House

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BOO! Out-ghost your friends! Go invisible to fool your foes or stay visible for awesome powers. 2-4 players, 30 spooktastic minutes!

Haunt the House - Kicktraq Mini
Haunt the House

D20 / D30 RPG & DCC Dice Chain Sets - New D17, D19, D26 & D28

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Full RPG & DCC dice chain sets. All the sides from D3 to D20. All the evens from D4 to D30.

Impact! Miniatures is seeking to add to their dice of unusual size with mass production of the final 4 dice we need to complete two different dice chains (a D17, D19, D26 & D28 sided die in 9 opaque and 2 specialty colors). These 4 dice will allow Impact! to offer D20 dice chain sets with all the dice from D3 to D20 and D30 dice chain sets with all the even dice from D4 to D30 to RPG developers and players.

Impact! has a lot of experience producing odd sided dice and the designs for these dice look great and have been tested to be as fair as possible despite having an odd number of sides. Due to assistance from Andrew at the Dice Shop Online (thank you very much Andrew!) and Joseph Goodman from Goodman Games (thank you Mr. Goodman!), we have been able to research the shapes and receive a small batch of the D17, D19, D26 & D28 to test the production designs. We are very happy with the test batch and want to get the dice into full production but really need your assistance to get the mass production run of the dice created.

D20 / D30 RPG & DCC Dice Chain Sets - New D17, D19, D26 & D28 - Kicktraq Mini

House Monsters

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Get rid of these cute but annoying house monsters! A fast and silly card game for all ages.

Fun for all ages, this fast and silly game will be appealing among any group. Most of these monsters are not dangerous, but they are super annoying! Whether they are stealing your hot water, or eating all the candy, you just have to get rid of them!

Ultimately, this game is about being the first person to rid yourself of the House Monsters before the other players do.

House Monsters - Kicktraq Mini

Detective: City of Angels

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Detective: City of Angels is a board game where detectives solve mysteries in the dark and violent world of 1940's Los Angeles.

Detective: City of Angels is an epic narrative-driven board game set in the dark and violent world of 1940's Los Angeles. Most players will step into the shoes of LAPD Homicide detectives that will do whatever it takes to solve the case, but one player will take on the role of The Chisel whose goal is to stall and misdirect the detectives at every turn.

Inspired by classic film noir like The Big Sleep, the works of James Ellroy (L.A. Confidential), and the video game L.A. Noire from Rockstar Games, Detective: City of Angels is a mystery and crime solving game unlike any other.

Detective: City of Angels - Kicktraq Mini
Detective: City of Angels

The Dice Bag of +3 Sorting

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Mass d-istrobution for d-Bag.

It costs a lot to move up to mass-distribution, even mini mass-distribution. d-Bag is ready to make that move, with your help that is.

Most gamers have a lot of dice, many store those dice in something. Most prefer bags, although some like the sort-ability provided by plastic...

What if there was a bag that could sort?... well, there is! You can sort dice by set or by types, or whatever you want! No more fumbling for 6d6 or 5d4... just reach into the pocket and grab some!

Plus, when it's open, there's a rolling surface in the middle. Here's what it looks like:

The Dice Bag of +3 Sorting - Kicktraq Mini
The Dice Bag of +3 Sorting

Zero Hour

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Stop the Mastermind behind the Z-B13 outbreak in this cooperative dice-placement adventure game for 1-4 players.

The Z-B13 virus has infected the continent and threatens to spread across the oceans. Millions have slowly transformed into what survivors will only call the Afflicted, trapped in a feral state of non-living. As survivors band together in raiding parties for their own safety, and as the virus continues to mutate, your group fights for answers: Who - or WHAT - let this virus loose? Can they be stopped and can a cure be discovered? Or has humanity's final hour arrived?

Zero Hour is a cooperative dice-placement adventure game for 1-4 players. To win, the survivors must first gather enough Intel (by searching cities and researching the virus) to discover the identity and location of the Mastermind behind the Z-B13 outbreak. Then, in a do-or-die Final Showdown, they must successfully stop the Mastermind in their tracks and resolve any existing virus mutations. The team of survivors will need to cooperate with their unique skill sets, use their limited resources wisely, and balance the risk of attracting unwanted attention with the reward of coming one step closer to stopping the Doomsday clock.

Zero Hour - Kicktraq Mini

Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten: Tabletop Cult Skirmishes

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A Mythos horror themed tabletop miniature skirmish game that lets you lead your own cult of evil worshippers to glory and infamy!

Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten (…or Kulten…or VUK for short) is an horrific, violent and often disturbingly amusing cult battle and management game in which players create cults and clash amongst each other for the favour of their gods; ancient, evil and tenebrous though they may be…

Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten: Tabletop Cult Skirmishes - Kicktraq Mini
Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten: Tabletop Cult Skirmishes

Cahoots Card Game of "Co-opetition" 3-4 Players

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Work w/ your opponents to score points through matching suits, but be sure to play the better card! A game of sneaky teamwork for 3-4.

Welcome to the world of Cahoots, a trick-taking card game in which you are forced to conspire (be "in cahoots") with each of your opponents to win. Cooperate, negotiate, backstab, and bluff your way to a win in this world of noir and espionage. You can't trust anyone, but you've got to work together to score points because even though you win by yourself, you can't win alone!

Cahoots Card Game of

Gangs of Britannia

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A 3-5 player gangster game. Conquer your rivals' turf by clever dealing or cunning deceiving. Got what it takes to control the streets?

Britain is rife with crime and you are leading one of the country's five most notorious historical gangs, competing for dominance over London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Glasgow.

You and your fellow players vie for control over the major cities of Britain by spreading your mobs, collecting payouts, and using secret intelligence to advance your influence. In a game where luck decides little, carefully pick who you cut deals with as betrayals can lurk behind the next card.

One thing is certain amongst the Gangs of Britannia - trust is slowly built but quickly broken...

Gangs of Britannia - Kicktraq Mini

Globe Chess™ Spherical Chess Set

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Globe Chess™ is a fully playable spherical chess set including magnetic pieces, a finely crafted wooden base & a steel globe sphere.

Chess Meets Art. No Edges. New Strategies. New Gameplay. Chess Evolved.

Globe Chess™ Spherical Chess Set - Kicktraq Mini
Globe Chess™ Spherical Chess Set

Aliens & Asteroids: Sci-fi Horror Roleplaying

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Streamlined game for fast, intense RPG sessions in a world inspired by classic sci-fi -- in an expanding universe of hope and horror!

Aliens & Asteroids is a tabletop roleplaying game with a streamlined mechanic, fast character creation, and easy ways to ratchet up the dramatic tension of every encounter. The rules are focused on allowing you to tell exciting stories around alien encounters, abductions, combats, and horrors, inspired by science-fiction films like Aliens and Starship Troopers, computer games like X-COM: UFO Defense, and television shows like Babylon-5 and The Expanse.

Aliens & Asteroids is written to evoke the terror of being on a spaceship in the middle of nowhere being stalked by creatures only wanting to survive and thrive. Maybe you’re a tasty morsel. Maybe you’re a warm body for hosting the next generation of horrors. But it’s definitely going to come down to you or them.

Aliens & Asteroids: Sci-fi Horror Roleplaying - Kicktraq Mini
Aliens & Asteroids: Sci-fi Horror Roleplaying

Down In Flames: Locked-On

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Locked-On is part of the Down In Flames series! Maneuver into position! Get Tone! And launch a missile to shoot down the enemy fighter!

Locked-On is a stand-alone card game that uses a unique Action/Reaction card mechanic that simulates the maneuvers aircraft perform in combat. This system also puts you in the cockpit to make the split-second decisions that will determine your success or failure in combat.

Locked-On is for 2 or more players and plays in 15 to 30 minutes!

Down In Flames: Locked-On - Kicktraq Mini

INTELLE - Hack or Be Hacked

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It's hacker vs. hacker and the corporate mainframe is the target in this quick abstract strategy game for 2 players.

Intelle is a cube placement, area control strategy game for 2 players. One player is the Black Hat - a cunning hacker determined to infiltrate and bring down the Corporation. The opposing player is the White Hat - employed by the Corporation to protect its valuable data. Players take turns strategically placing blocks of code with intent to control the various systems of the Corporate mainframe. ​Control three adjacent systems before your opponent to either infiltrate or protect the Corporation and win the game!

INTELLE - Hack or Be Hacked - Kicktraq Mini

Necroplex: 3D Printable Sci-Fi Terrain Building Blocks

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Necroplex is a 3D printed tabletop terrain construction kit, meant to be used with standard terrain building materials.

We designed everything to get more terrain on your table with the least possible printing time.

Necroplex: 3D Printable Sci-Fi Terrain Building Blocks - Kicktraq Mini

Gobblin': The Goblin RPG

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Gobblin’ is an original RPG setting and system where players control goblins settling and exploring a post-apocalyptic Earth.

The creatures who crave violence, stupidity and chaos have just found the perfect means to obtain it.

Gobblin': The Goblin RPG - Kicktraq Mini

The Road to Bethlehem - Journeys Through Time & Space

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‘The Road to Bethlehem’ is the next generation in RPGs - a ‘REAL Playing Game’. It is the first game to use the innovative gameplay engine – REAL Challenges System.

Easy & Simple even if you are not experienced with RPG games. With this game everyone can become a Game Master and lead family & friends on the journey after… 5-10 minutes!

Just use Quick Start in Manual and let the journey begin!

The Road to Bethlehem - Journeys Through Time & Space - Kicktraq Mini

Shadowfist: A Better Tomorrow

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Shadowfist is the mile-a-minute, sword-clashing, butt-kicking, Uzi-spraying, boat-exploding, car-chasing, monster-crunching, Hong Kong cinematic action card game that is so epic it would take fourteen John Woos to film and a cast the likes of Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Chow Yun Fat, and Michelle Yeoh.

Shadowfist goes all the way back to the first generation of CCGs in the mid-1990s. As the Hong Kong Action Movie Card Game, it's stood the test of time and continues to be enjoyed by gamers worldwide.

Shadowfist: A Better Tomorrow - Kicktraq Mini

Adventures In Zombiewood

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Adventures in Zombiewood is a card and dice-based game that pits you and other unfortunate actors against a horde of Z-list celebrities (which we loving refer to as Z-lebrities). You and your friends are trying to shoot the best zombie movie ever.

The problem arise when the extras the casting agency sent to be your zombies turn out to be actual members of the undead.

As you fight your way through the horde, you figure you might as well film it too. Assemble your cast, choose your props and prepare to fight your way to the final scene.

How many stars will your film earn... and will you survive to find out?

Adventures In Zombiewood - Kicktraq Mini

By The Author of Lady Windermere's Fan

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By the Author of Lady Windermere's Fan is a role-playing game. Specifically, it's what I'd call a "story game": a GM-less, narrative-focused, one-shot sort of RPG.

You and two to four of your friends can come together without any prior preparation, and use the rules in this book to create a story over the course of three or four hours.

You provide the imagination, you control the action, you make characters do ridiculous things... meanwhile, the rules guide what happens, to ensure that the story you create is compelling, consistent, and complete by the end of the night.

By The Author of Lady Windermere's Fan - Kicktraq Mini

Fierce - Warriors & Monsters

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We are looking for funding to enable us to produce this collection of fantasy miniatures.

All the master models have been traditionally sculpted by artists from around the world.

Manufacturing of the miniatures will be done here in the UK cast by seasoned mouldmaker & caster Mike Nicholson.

We have a good team here in the UK, so pledge with confidence!

Fierce - Warriors & Monsters - Kicktraq Mini

Fantasy MDF Tabletop Building Terrain

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An entire village for your fantasy tabletop games in one package. Quick assembly without the use of glue.

Easy to paint and customize.

Fantasy MDF Tabletop Building Terrain - Kicktraq Mini

HAUNT: The Paranormal Investigation Game!

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A HYBRID Tabletop & App Game That Emulates Real Paranormal Investigation!

Designed by Real Investigators & Based On Real Cases!

HAUNT: The Paranormal Investigation Game! - Kicktraq Mini

Don't Look Back: Paranormal/Conspiracy/Horror Role-Playing

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Don’t Look Back: Terror is Never Far Behind is a tabletop role-playing game set in a modern world full of supernatural and paranormal horrors, secret government laboratories, alien abductions, and a master conspiracy trying to cover up the truth.

If you're a fan of Stranger Things, The X-Files, Kolchak: The Night Stalker, Firestarter, Fringe and other horror stories and shows like I am, you'll be very comfortable playing in the world of Don't Look Back.

Don't Look Back: Paranormal/Conspiracy/Horror Role-Playing - Kicktraq Mini

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Cult of Games Member

Outbreak: Undead 2nd edition :
’cause the world needs more zombie themed RPG’s.
This one has a cute generator that allows you to convert yourself into a character :
It certainly beats all those assessments that are in magazines, right ? 😉


@limburger – A great looking find this one, consider it added 🙂 Az

Cult of Games Member

And the big one with the dragon that we were all waiting for :

It’s funded, because of course it is.
The dragon is part of the only expansion (revealed thus far) and at 65$ it is pretty cheap …
Heck, it probably makes a great display piece.


@limburger hehe this one kinda has the whole site under its wing at the moment so may not need to add in here too 😛 Az

Cult of Games Member

I hadn’t noticed 😉

Cult of Games Member

Can’t believe (unless I’ve missed something) that 7th Continent hasn’t got a look-in over the last few weeks. It is a re-print with new expansions but having just topped $4m is surely worth q mention?!


Who would have guessed people would love mining for amber. Near and Far: amber mines seems to doing fantastic even though I see no real difference from it and many other resource themed game.

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