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Tikki Trolls

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Rapidly closing in on its final days is the Tikki Troll campaign. Commisioned by Mortal Arrow and sculpted by Paul Muller, these are a new take on a classic theme. Featuring Polynesian style weapons and dress, these creatures are able to regrow lost limbs, or graft new ones to replace them and different limbs and heads are included with each model for variety.

Despite not quite reaching the projected targets for unlocking the Death Kahuna and Warrior 1 models, Mike has commissioned and unlocked them regardless, in order to give backers the most options for their pledges. He has also unlocked a range of enormous rhinoceros beetles early to give options on the Warrior 4 Rider mounts.

Help make up the short fall and show some support for a really cool miniature range. Even if the trolls and giant bugs don't appeal, the Tiki idols and small beetles will make great diorama pieces, or unit fillers for Lizard Men and a variety of other armies, or scatter terrain for Deep Wars Shadow Realm and Blood and Plunder. Every little bit helps build the total and add ons are available as their own pledge level, so you don't have to go all in, but it is a great idea as the prints used to illustrate to campaign are also available in the top pledge level on a first come first select basis with a range of pledge levels in between. Do you want just a band of trolls or a whole darned tribe of them?

(And just quietly, don't tell anyone, if you pledge for a set of 3 or more, read update #13 The final Tikki Troll push is here!! come back here and leave a comment, then there is something in it for you...)

Tikki Trolls - Kicktraq Mini
Tikki Trolls

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