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The Legends of the Fabled Realms


Arm yourselves! The Druggoi are coming!

For 8 decades, peace has persisted throughout the realms. However, there is now rumour of a large Druggoi force gathering in the Tueden League, near Broggenbridge, and wandering from their homeland of Daldor. The forces of the realms are gathering to fend of this threat, will yo u be amongst them? Will you count yourself one of the heroes who saved the Realms? Or perhaps you are one of those wishing to take it for yourself...

A skirmish game for 2 players. Plenty of the well known 4Ground terrain is available also, either as add-ons or in pledge bundles.

There is even a package which includes a visit to the BOW studios to paint and play for an entire w/e. So if you want to meet the team, get some resin models and have a w/e of fun, games and shenanigans, this would be a perfect opportunity for you to do so.

The Legends of the Fabled Realms - Kicktraq Mini
The Legends of the Fabled Realms

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Cult of Games Member

We have funded in 8 hours and unlocked the first backer goal.


Great news as I am a backer

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