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fishman Kickstarter Hunter! Entries by this blogger

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E-mails just released by WhackyLeaks confirm that a new source of revealing information is working its way into the public's perception. This source has been led back to the source Dark Mushroom so could just be bull fertilizer, but it rings with truth. Revelations of chem trail programs to terraform the planet, secrets that only penguins are aware of, plots and machinations to bring the world under the rule of the Illuminatus as they strive against the public and each other to establish a One Board Order. You can be a part of the problem... just make sure the public does not find out too much, or you may have to carry out a black flag operation using a WMD to distract from your real goal, complete domination!

If you wear a tin foil hat (me, I have a full suit of armour made of tinfoil... can't trust anyone) and believe there may be some Alien Greys hidden in the Arizona Desert, somewhere near the set for the moon landing, get your game on. Show your family and friends you were not crazy, but just well aware of the between the lines maneuvering of the super elite.

A conspiracy theorist is not a delusional fool, just a person who can use logic, perception and reason to see through the rhetoric and ask questions when the narrative does not stand up. If this is you, join the growing list of future interment camp occupants who have already joined this honeypot trap to get dissenters to sign up to their own demise...

Illuminatus - Kicktraq Mini

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