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Goblin Hood 2: Little John


"Stan' an' deliva if yer values yer life, yer stinkin Backer!"

The high pitched voice of a Goblin rings through the forest as an arrow whistles past your head and a squeal erupts from the scrub by the road behind you. Turning your head, you see another Goblin running off through the undergrowth, the arrow protruding from his nether regions as he drags his forgotten sword behind him. You can't help but chuckle at the sight, even as you draw your sword; a bunch of no good Goblins are no threat to a seasoned adventurer like yourself and you are in a hurry, no time to waste on these insignificant squibs if you are to get to the inn, and a long awaited tankard, before the stockade gates are closed and barred.

The diminutive figure in front of you holds its ground in the middle of the forest path, stamping its foot and baring its teeth with a frustrated hiss.

"I says ta stan' on yer liver! I mean, stan' an' deliva if ya wants ta remain a liver! Nah, wait, ahh, sod it..."

You are amused by this little fella's antics and lunge aggressively towards him. To your surprise, he stands his ground. Usually, goblins are total cowards, you are confused by the lack of reaction, until you feel your feet abruptly leave the ground as a massive hand grabs your leg and lifts you into the air, shaking you vigorously.

"Ëm tee pockets!" the owner of the hand demands as he shakes you upside down. "Munee or I eats ya!"

As Goblins and Weeds begin to pour out of the surrounding bushland, you give into the inevitable and pledge to give all you have...

You have become the latest victim of The Macrocosm Goblin Hood gang, now joined by the ogre Little John and some Beast Riders, blob monsters and herders, and variations on the sword, spear and bow gobbos from the initial Goblin Hood campaign, this time with hoods up. They demand money, not for their own benefit, but for the greater good. So that their gang is able to spread to hobbyists the world over, empty your pockets. If they manage to ambush enough backers, they hope to recruit a few mounted archers, some witches, mounted ogres and a Tuck Troll, (Yep, a friar Troll, will be something to see) along with a second version of John himself, hood up.

As a big fan of their work, I am excited that Macrocosm is back on the campaign trail with a starter I, personally, have been waiting weeks for.

Goblin Hood 2: Little John - Kicktraq Mini
Goblin Hood 2: Little John

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Models looking great, looking forward to a friar troll as well as ogre john 🙂

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