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Get Me A Fresh Brain

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Congratulations! Huzzah! You have done it! You have graduated form the University of Advanced Anatomy with your Evil Doctorate in Body Building!

As you head home, you cackle in the approved evil chuckle (copyright pending) that you were tutored in and encouraged to develop into your own diabolical chortle. Your head is filled with glorious visions of the havoc you are about to bestow upon the town of your birth, the town which treated you with scorn and which derided your genius.

There are preparations which need to be put in place first, though. As you settle back into life in the depressing little town which you loathe, you put on a mask of propriety, acting as the model citizen. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, your plans progress. You have hired helpers to assist you in your gruesome work, sending them out into the surrounding countryside to gather the parts you need for your masterpiece creation. Good help is hard to find, however, and so it might take a few trips for them to bring you the supplies required.

Finally, though, the glorious night dusks (? is that correct for the opposite to day dawns? Why does a day dawn and a night fall? Why is this such a crappy language?) and you gaze with joy upon the labours of your workers. They have gathered for you the supplies you require, including a torso, arms and legs, and now, finally, a brain! Your work is almost done, and then the fun can begin. The storm which has been brewing for days has finally broken and lightning flashes and thunder peals chase each other across the night sky, illuminating the low hanging, ominous clouds and shattering the peace with the massive percussions.

Hours pass without notice, so absorbed in your work you are, until the distant chiming of the clocktower heralds midnight. You straighten from your work bench with a deep sigh of satisfaction and move to the massive lever protruding from the wall. Bwahahahahahaha! Your triumphant laugh echoes of the stone walls of your underground workshop, the skeletons hanging from manacles on the wall the only witnesses to your mad genius! Waiting patiently, your vigil is rewarded when a lightning bolt strikes the iron conducting rod protruding high above the ruined parapet of your family castle and sends a current rushing through the conduits to charge the capacitors you have labouriously built. You throw the lever, closing the contact points, sparks fly around the room, leaving one of the assistants a smoking pile of ashes. No matter, their work was done. As the smell of ozone and charred flesh fills the room, so too do the strange smells of the being lying on the slab, a curious mixture of charnel house rot, embalming fluid and barbecue.

You wait with mounting apprehension as the seconds tick past, waiting for some indicator of success. Just as you are resigning yourself to the failure of the experiment, pondering the small trickle of smoke from beneath the nails of the creation, you catch your breath, that finger moved! Minutes pass, then another movement, and another, until, almost as if awakening from a long sleep, the creature sits upright, swings it legs of the slab and stands, tearing tubes and cables from itself as it does so. Without pause, the creature lumbers to the door, and through it, smashing the stout oak barrier to splinters as it makes its way out of the laboratory and up the flight of stairs, out of the house and into town. Its rampage continues, destroying buildings and wrecking homes as it continues.

Just when you think you have brought retribution to the town, you realise your monster has encountered another like it, and has engaged in a battle for its unlife! Which will win, your monster or your opponents? Which of you will gain infamy for destroying the town, whilst the other falls into disregard as the hack Mad Doctor they are?

Get Me A Fresh Brain - Kicktraq Mini
Get Me A Fresh Brain

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