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Explorers of the North Sea: Rocks of Ruin

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Launch the longships! Hoist that sail and get, well, sailing!

Scattered in the narrow channels and island strewn bays of the North Sea are many wrecks, testimony to the strength and ferocity of this past season's storms. Your crew are eager to plunder them for the spoils which are sure to lie amongst the wreckage. However, as you sailed from your home, you noticed grand castles dotting the shoreline, and, whilst the lure of easy scavenging is strong, the bloodlust and the desire for glory and renown is also tearing at you. Will you choose to search the wrecks, salvaging what you can or fight and gain glory throughout all the long halls of the land?

An expansion for the Explorers, itself a game within a larger group of three The North Sea, this includes new tiles, rules and a 5th player option. Set sail now and pick up the loot.

Explorers of the North Sea: Rocks of Ruin - Kicktraq Mini
Explorers of the North Sea: Rocks of Ruin

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