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Escape, the Board Game

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The entrance is tantalisingly close. You can almost taste the freedom as you run towards the door indicated on the map. You wait impatiently for it to slide open and, as it does, you and your companions run through, and straight into a N.O.A.H patrol! This was not supposed to happen, the patrols were supposed to have been clear of this area, the expression \\\"NOAH Knows All\\\" springs to mind, the slogan drummed into you since childhood, the thing you are fighting against now. It is on the wall above the door of every hab cell and posters adorn the entire LAB, carrying the slogan and a picture of the same patrol now facing you!

You and the others turn and run back the way you came, but a scream from behind causes you to pause and turn your head. You see Ashton, who stayed to cover your hasty scramble for safety, going down under the blows of a blue Rikishi, as Alice tries vainly to beat it back. Just as you think Ashton is finished, he goes into a massive rage, heaving the Rikishi off, grabbing Alice and running toward you, you heave a sigh of relief and turn to resume your flight. Jimmy and his mutt are already halfway down the corridor. Suddenly the wall explodes next to you and you are knocked of your feet by the rubble; it is all that saves you from the explosive lunging attack of the green Mamushi. Then with a sudden rush of speed, the black Ubame is upon you! Will you escape? Or has the flood of NOAH agents overwhelmed you?

Black Ubume, Blue Kira, Blue Rikishi, Green Mamushi, Flybots x3, Scarabots x3, Wormbots x3

Escape, the Board Game - Kicktraq Mini
Escape, the Board Game

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