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Blind Begger Under the Board Walk

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Something shady is happening at the docks. Armed sailors have been seen lurking near one of the finger piers, warning off any interlopers with their guns. Of course, business carries on as usual, and there are plenty of unarmed sailors and dock workers moving around, but it is the finger pier that interests the Baskervilles. so they have called in the Pinkertons to investigate. Of course, the Women with Calibre can take care of themselves, they are toting big guns after all, and the working class gals have taken up arms also. They have no need of outside interference. The yeti hunters are secluded in the boat tied to the pier, what is their mysterious cargo?

Plenty of options for story telling dioramas or play pieces in a variety of games. Paul is one of my very favourite creators, always friendly and responsive to interaction with his backers. He is experienced and delivers on time (if not early) and his stuff is uniquely different in a time when many ranges begin to resemble each other. Models with character are getting rarer and these models, which evoke an old school feel to them, have character in spades.

Blind Begger Under the Board Walk  - Kicktraq Mini
Blind Begger Under the Board Walk

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