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Big Bang 13.7

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Feel like playing God? Think you could have done a better job in building the universe? Now is your chance! With Big Bang 13.7 you have the opportunity to lay out tiles to build the universe as you think it should be built, simple really. All it needs is to connect to 2 other tiles with at least one feature of each being shared. But then, you find a wormhole, a supernova or dark energy and things become a whole lot more complex. Well, you never thought building a universe would be easy, did you? And for the next twist, we have to factor in time. How much of this precious resource do you put into building during your turn. Think carefully as this will move you forward on the clock, with the person in the last position always being the turn player. Do you use a lot of time to attempt to steal a march on your opponent or do you play cautiously and try and build steadily?

Can you achieve your hidden objective to win the game?

Big Bang 13.7 - Kicktraq Mini
Big Bang 13.7

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