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28mm Army of Spartacus

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In 73BC the unthinkable occurred in the Roman Empire. Whilst the bulk of the army was in Spain fighting the 3rd Mithradatic uprising, a small band of gladiators escaped, killing their masters and seizing weapons as they fled. They then proceeded to raid and free other slaves which swelled the numbers in their small rebellion. Soon a sizable army had been formed, which had defeated everything Rome could throw at them, until in 71BC, Crassus caught them with their backs to the Mediterranean following a betrayal by the pirates who had been paid to give them passage from Italy.

Following the inevitable defeat of this army, 2000 men were crucified along the Appian Way, with the last to be hoisted to his cross, Spartacus, the Thracian who had led the revolt from the beginning and had challenged the might of the Roman Republic.

This army is recreated in these finely detailed 28mm miniatures from Templar Wargames.

28mm Army of Spartacus - Kicktraq Mini
28mm Army of Spartacus

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