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1-48 Tactics Wargame


A little bigger yet a little smaller than most miniatures games. The scale of 1-48 is a much larger model than most games use, and for that reason, fewer of them are used.

The larger size allows for much greater detail to be worked into these miniatures which are cast in metal and/or resin.

There is a lot of cover items and scatter terrain also available to suit the range.

All you need to have a large scale skirmish game. Will you choose to be an American or German leading your patrol to victory?

1-48 Tactics Wargame - Kicktraq Mini
1-48 Tactics Wargame

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maddgameThomas Todd Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

This is an excellent game that I have been playing for years. The models are superb quality and the terrain is excellent. The game is easily leant but difficult to master. Troops caught out in the open tend to die and assaults on defended positions require suppression fire on defenders so that assaulting troops can approach – what we would expect in real life. The rules are already available to download together with some character cards enabling players to try it out with whatever figures they already have before purchasing. The figures are 1-48 scale (same as Dust tactics) –… Read more »


This is an awesome little game and provides truly cinematic moments. The “first edition” models left something to be desired but these look real spiffy.

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