Tomas brings back the Gatormen from Privateer Press to brighten up their fleshy hides.
It's time to try to create the intricate Autumn pattern camouflage
In this five-part series; we asked John to prepare an amazing Warmachine Winter Table.
Do you have the guts to create your own guts?
Get your green stuff ready for moulding your very own undead, ripping flesh to cover your models.
Showing off the amazing 40k/Star Wars Table!
The gentle giant returns to learn more about our technological painting wizardry.
John, rev up the Hobby Engine!
Are your models having difficulty finding better armour on the battlefield, perhaps that old bronze dish just ain't holding back the punches anymore?
Ever thought that sword or axe on the sprue isn't really suited for the model it comes with?
Let's put a smile on that cute face!
We got the fashion expert and makeup crew in house...
We're back again with Part two of the Super Dungeon Explorer Chibi Miniatures.
It's time we had something different in our painting range, something for the chibi fans out there so we've grabbed our box of Super Dungeon Explorer and began work on the Chibi Elf alchemist.
Romain returns in the studio to show us how to paint some beautiful Pale Pink Armour.
Last week it was Pale Green, this week we have the beautiful Pale Blue tutorial from Romain.
In this painting tutorial Romain joins us in the Hobby Lab once again to bring you some beautifully shaded light green armour.
In today's final episode for the fur clothing Tomas begins his new fashionable clothing line with a beautiful fur hat and boots with the fur to boot!
In this episode, Tomas looks at adding some furry cuffs to this gunslinger from the North.