John gets ready the 'stick of doom' to show us the magic of efficient priming for Oil War.
We welcome back Tomas Mennes once again to craft another juicy conversion in the Hobby Labs.
John takes us through the army lists he's been concocting for his Oil War project!
Romain tackles The Prismatic Palisade Endless Spell from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Malign Sorcery expansion from Games Workshop.
John's been off for a week and he's got some inspiration on what to do for his next Hobby Vlog.
Today Tomas swings by the Hobby Lab to show us how to sculpt Muzzle Flashes!
Today we invite Tomas Mennes back in the Hobby Lab to work on some amazing conversions.
Romain joins us in the Hobby Lab to paint Firelock Games awesome Kickstarter Exclusive Captain Morgan.
Today Romain has been caught and tied back up into the Hobby Labs to bring you a new painting tutorial for Captain Morgan Kickstarter Exclusive from Firelock Games.
Romain sits down in the Hobby Labs today to paint some ragged wolf fur.
RERUN // Dallas from Privateer Press is back in the studio today to bring you a necessary tip for everyone to pick up on every few years, Repairing Damaged Paint on models.
I know it's been a while since my last update. But I wanted to show you how the table is looking now that it has had a little more work and been placed in the Members Suite with the funky lighting.
RE-RUN // This week, we have a deadline to reach and we only have an hour to finish this Infinity model...Whatever will we do?
Romain is back in the Hobby Lab once more to show you how to paint the counter part of the dark spell of Geminids of Uhl Gysh from the Malign Portents box set. This time it's a little bit frightening, it's lightning!
Romain is back in the hobby lab today to show those of us from an ancient heritage how to paint up some Freehand Celtic Shield patterns.
Hello ladies and gents. Today I show you how I am detailing each of the rooms I have themed, and how I am weathering them to give a quick and easy look for a place that has years of neglect.
Time to wash the floors! Or not. Come on in and have a look! We've been delving into some more techniques which should help to build up this terrain and make it look perfect for Space Hulk.
Hello everybody! It's time to push on the Space Hulk table with adding the first layers of paint on top of all the additions I have spent the last few days figuring out and building into the terrain.
Time for another update, which has a sweet and sour flavour today as I make some interesting progress and simultaneously mess something up!
Today Romain is in the Hobby Lab to paint up Steamforged Game's beautiful Guild Ball farmers sculpt, Millstone.
Welcome to part 6 of the Space Hulk Table build. Today we take a look at how the primer has gone down and what I will be doing next to make the terrain more "40k"
The build is finished! Come on in and see what the example layout looks like and let's discuss where to go next.
Welcome to part 4, and yes, we're still building! But now I am on to the big rooms and also pose some ideas for making the terrain compatible with the Space Hulk rules.
Today Romain is in the Hobby Lab to paint up Steamforged Game's beautiful Guild Ball farmers sculpt, Millstone.
Hello and welcome to more Space Hulk table build! Come see how far along I have gotten today.
Welcome to part two of my Space Hulk table Vlog! Let me show you how far I have gotten so far and some thoughts on how I have been constructing the kits.
Hello everybody! Welcome to the first part of my new vlog series where I get stuck into making an awesome table layout for Space Hulk!
Today Romain is back in the Hobby labs to work on some tiny Gravestones for your terrain pieces.
Today Romain is painting up the Dark Geminids of Uhl Gysh from Age of Sigmar.
Today I show you how base coating the details of the models has turned out and what I am going to do next.
Following on from my Joan Of Arc tutorial last week, I'm moving on to show you how to freehand the famed flower of the French, the Fleur De Lis.
Lloyd and I are back to bring you another Hobby VLOG, this time looking at how we built Stalingrad for our Flames of War Let's Plays.
John and I have joined forces once again to bring you another Hobby Vlog, this time we're tackling the soon to be Flames of War Eastern Front battle and we need a Stalingrad style table to go with our Let's Plays.
Hello everyone! It is time to kick off my journey to beating Charlie from Warlord Games. I am very excited to get this project rolling and I hope you enjoy this series.
Today I'm painting up the magnificent Joan of Arc model from Mythic Games.
Today we're taking the Privateer Press Hordes piggies in a sickly humanish direction inspired by the fantastic paintings by fantasy artist Paul Bonner.
Today I'm back with some Privateer Press Hordes piggies to create some wonderfully grotesque green flesh tones for similar models in fantasy such as Ogres, Trolls, Goblins etc.
Today we're tackling a variant of the traditional ork fleshtone with an Ochre/Brown Ork Fleshtone on a Piggyback Grymkin model from Privateer Press.
Today I'm back in the Hobby Labs again to paint a Green Ork Fleshtone on the Privateer Press nightmare enducing models from Grymkin.
Today I'm back in the Hobby Labs to paint a beautiful Dwarven female from the Massive Darkness range.
Today Sam's left me with the fantastic little rodent thief from Oathsworn Miniatures to advance his painting to the next level.
Romain raises from the crypts to bring us another painting tutorial...