Warlord Games have added some new sets to their webstore for those looking to do some kitbashing when it comes to their Epic Battles units. There are four sets for you to choose from featuring their epic scale (13.5mm) covering Waterloo and Pike & Shotte.
The Mortal Realms were not forgotten as part of the Warhammer Day preview over the weekend. A couple of new miniatures were revealed for the forces of Order in Warhammer Age Of Sigmar alongside a continuation of the narrative as the Dawnbringers crusade continues.
Another of the big previews from Warhammer Day focused on the next two armies coming to Warhammer 40,000. The Necrons and Adeptus Mechanicus are going to be getting new Codexes before the year is out and that means new plastic miniatures and more from Games Workshop.
One of the biggest reveals from Warhammer Day was the showcasing of the new Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team set. Games Workshop are updating another of the older Aspect Warriors kits from the Aeldari range as the Striking Scorpions are going up against Scouts in the new Salvation box set.
Over the weekend, we got a look at some new reveals for Warhammer: The Old World and specifically the Bretonnians. They are one of the two big armies that got properly nuked during the switch to Warhammer Age Of Sigmar, so it's good to see them returning with a vengeance. The weekend's Games Workshop preview gave us a look at what will launch for the Kingdom Of Bretonnia.
The Warhammer Day Preview is landing tomorrow at 2pm BST and there is going to be some interesting news coming out of Games Workshop about what's happening with Warhammer: The Old World.
Osprey Games are going to be releasing the next expansion for Stargrave next week! Bold Endeavour is available to pre-order now ahead of a release next Thursday on 19th October. Will be diving into this new book from Joseph A. McCullough?
Battlefront Miniatures have got an initial set of releases for those diving into playing as the NATO Forces in World War III: Team Yankee. You can pick these up from Battlefront themselves or you can head on over to Store.OnTableTop to snaffle up your Cold War Gone Hot 15mm miniatures.
Wargames Atlantic are closing in on getting the final few orders in to turn their British Expeditionary Force and Home Guard plastic set out there into the wild. As the first finalist from the Vox Populi system that they've set up, they are looking to get these 28mm miniatures into tooling soon for some World War II wargaming.
Warlord Games have released a new set for the Panzer IV which comes with options for three 28mm plastic miniatures to use with the Germans in World War II wargames like Bolt Action.
PHALANX Games have announced that they are going to be returning to Kickstarter with one of their biggest board games, U-BOOT: The Board Game is going to be coming back with a second printing! Prepare to command your submarine and dive, dive, dive into this game of World War II naval warfare.
Warlord Games has announced that they are going to be bringing a new board game to crowdfunding in the near future. This World War II board game is going to be called Vanguard and it sounds very intriguing indeed!
If you're looking to get started in Cubicle 7's new Warhammer 40,000 roleplaying game, Imperium Maledictum, you might want a jumping-off point! Have a look at Chemical Burn, a new adventure that you can download right now and use to get a taste of the grimdark future!
South London Warlord's Salute 2024 is coming Saturday 13th April and tickets are now available for those looking to attend.
Monster Fight Club are on Kickstarter right now with a new range of plastic terrain for use in your wargames. They are aiming to get you fighting through a pretty awesome Container Shipyard with their newest collection of 28mm wargaming terrain.
Goblin King Games have launched their new Kickstarter campaign allowing you to dive deep into the world of Moonstone. I don't know if you've heard but it's a multi-award-winning Fantasy miniatures game showcasing amazing 32mm figures. Will you be diving into Shades Of Moonreach?
V&V Miniatures have another neat 28mm set for you to scoop up when building your Ancient armies. You can now get a set of four Celts that you can use to battle the forces of Rome on the tabletop.
TTCombat has added another new miniature into the mix for those playing Dropzone Commander. The Shaltari are getting their Light Behemoth which can be built as the Lion or the Tiger and used to dominate your 10mm Sci-Fi wargames.
Free League Publishing has announced pre-orders for an excellent book to enhance your adventures in their Fantasy roleplaying game, Dragonbane. Dare you face more of the deadly foes that you find within the Dragonbane Bestiary?
Flags Of War are on Kickstarter right now (for a couple more days!) with a new campaign focused on bringing some Garrison Troops to the tabletop. You are going to be able to scoop up some neat STL Files allowing you to build both English and Scottish troops for Border Wars: Under A Reiver Moon.
Dark Sword Miniatures do some awesome 28mm Fantasy miniatures for you to use in your wargames and roleplaying games and this month is no different! Whilst there are some fun standard additions to their range for October, there is also an amazing range of Goblins by Gene Vanhorne.
FireForge Games have added their new 28mm Plastic Samurai to their webstore for you to scoop up as you start building feudal (and feuding!) armies. There are five boxes for you to pick up covering Samurai and Ashigaru.
Mantic Games is now taking pre-orders for the new Clash Of Kings 2024 book plus a whole host of awesome Twilight Kin miniatures. Evil is brewing in Pannithor and the Twilight Kin are looking to make things suitably spikey and brutal for all of the other armies involved in Kings Of War.
Avatars Of War has taken to Kickstarter to show off a new set of 3D Printable miniatures for you to use when building up your 28mm Fantasy armies. Sticking with a bit of a greenskin vibe for Orctober, we have The Stone Trolls!
Kromlech is celebrating another awesome Orktober with a big new range of miniatures. The time of the Cyborks has come and that means a whole new wave of cybernetically enhanced Orks hitting the tabletop for your Sci-Fi wargames.
Games Workshop and Forge World continue their exploration of The Horus Heresy with a big new book and more miniatures for this epic civil war that served as the origin story for Warhammer 40,000. Leading the way is a brand-new book, Exemplary Battles Of The Age Of Darkness.
With Warhammer Day 2023 fast approaching this week, Games Workshop will give folks a look back into the ancient past of Warhammer 40,000. The Rogue Trader Rulebook, previously only available from Warhammer World, will be available on a Made To Order basis from this weekend for a while.
Black Scorpion Miniatures are joining in with the fun when it comes to making Wild West terrain as they recently showed off some awesome 3D Printable options that are soon going to be added into the mix. These are going to be great for those looking to play games between 28mm and 35mm including their own game, Tombstone!
Privateer Press has been showing off a new Mercenaries contraption that you can scoop up to fight alongside your faction of choice in Warmachine. The Sky Raider and Sky Bomber are available for you to order right now, ready to blow things up on the battlefield.
Ramshackle Games are starting off the month of Orctober with some fun additions from Foxbox. They do some lovely little goblins that are perfect for throwing into the line of fire but you can also get your hands on a couple of tanks right now as well.
Corvus Belli has been showing off the Infinity pre-orders for the month of November! We're going to be getting some awesome characters and more for those diving deeper into their Sci-Fi games with new characters, reinforcements and TAGs.
Para Bellum Games continues to showcase some awesome new 35mm scale Fantasy miniatures for Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings. There is a brand new monster for The Spires as well as a fun miniature set that will be coming up for the Christmas period!
Games Workshop and Forge World are going to be introducing some new miniatures into the mix for those who like bringing a psychic twist to their games of Necromunda. You'll be able to bring a new Mind-Locked Wyrd to your games in the near future!
Games Workshop are going to be introducing a bunch of new warbands for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warcry this weekend. Pre-orders will be going live for a new set featuring two warbands plus you'll be able to get your hands on bonus Kruleboyz and Fyreslayers!
Grimskald are preparing for their new Kickstarter next week (1oth October!), Torch & Shield! If you've ever wanted to dive into a game specifically focused on Dwarven adventuring in the depths of a mountain then you'll want to check this one out.
Cubicle 7 recently announced a new addition to their Vault 5E collection, A Life Well Lived. It features ways to enhance the lives of your heroes beyond the dungeon-delving antics they get up to as adventurers and is not only live on Kickstarter but already funded!
Modiphius Entertainment are now on Kickstarter as they expand their Achtung! Cthulhu Universe back in time from the Second World War to the Second Century BCE with the Cohors Cthulhu Roleplaying Game.
Empress Miniatures have new packs available from Iron Duke Miniatures for the Xhosa Wars as another of Victoria's Little Wars expands in the African Orange River territories.
It's a Massive October for fans of Mantic Games as new rules have landed on their digital companion app for the Science-Fiction game Firefight, and the full rules for Twilight Kin are now in the companion army builder as well ahead of the release of the new miniatures on October the 18th.
Every company seems to have their own version of a speed paint for fast results on your miniatures and Vallejo is no exception, last year they released a whole new reworking of their Model Color range of acrylics including twenty-four Xpress paints and now they have returned to the range with thirty-six new colours to bring it to a substantial sixty Xpress paints and filling a lot of the gaps.
I'm a huge fan of Great Escape Games' Wild West gang fighting game Dead Man's Hand, as a quick-play skirmish game that is heavily influenced by the Western films I grew up enjoying it's a beautiful way to play out a three-act movie on the tabletop. In keeping with the filmatic feel of the game Great Escape Games has announced an upcoming Kickstarter in October for Dead Man's Hand Redux.
Trish Carden continues to add to her HarrowHyrst collection over on Footsore Miniatures. A new set of miniature are in the works, the Swamp Harridans! The first of these ladies was previewed this week on social media.