Darrington Press has now made their new roleplaying game, Daggerheart, available for you to download and playtest at home as part of their public beta for the game. Putting a twist on your Fantasy adventures, Daggerheart is looking packed with promise but that's where you come in. Playtest can make the game better!
Taiga Miniatures are supporting the new Order Of Repentance Kickstarter from DakkaDakka.Store with a selection of 3D printable terrain that you can get your hands on right now. Fight over your Sanctum Of Repentance and see if you can use that inner faith to banish the demonic foes at your door!
You can now defend democracy in style across all manner of different games with some new head options for your 28mm Sci-Fi miniatures thanks to Kromlech. The new Helldrop Trooper Heads are now available on their webstore.
Para Bellum Games are now taking pre-orders for a host of awesome new miniatures that can be used as part of the Sorcerer Kings in 35mm mass battle game, Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings and First Blood (their skirmish game).
Victrix Miniatures have begun to preview some of the new 28mm Islamic Infantry that you'll be able to scoop up soon to help supplement your armies of the Middle East for use in Crusades and beyond.
We dive into some Ancient Cthulhu adventures on the tabletop, a nightmarish form of transport and some amazing Bot War painting on some small scale miniatures.
Lucid Eye are now working with Space McQuirk on a new game set in the Savage Core called Monolith. McQuirk (of classic Warhammer fame) is going to be creating the rules for Monolith whilst the miniatures come from Lucid Eye and Steve Saleh.
Wargames Atlantic are now taking pre-orders for their new 28mm Afghan Cavalry that will be thundering into your Historical wargames throughout the 1800s and into the early portion of the 1900s.
Hobday & Hicks have been dropping some more sneak peeks at what's coming up for their 28mm Fantasy range. We've seen Elves, Orcs and Humans and now it's the time of the Dwarves. The best of the Fantasy races.
The Laundry Roleplaying Game is going to be returning to Kickstarter soon with a new project by Cubicle 7! Prepare for a roleplaying game of cosmic horror, computers and covert action based on The Laundry Files by Charles Stross.
DakkaDakka.Store are back on Kickstarter with another awesome array of 3D Printable STL Files for you to use when building your grimdark armies. This time around, it's the turn of the Order Of Repentance, an awesome set of miniatures for making an army of deadly killer ladies.
Want to battle it out on a new landscape with a hint of desolation to it? See what you make of PWork Wargames' new Gaming Mat for the Arid Plain. It looks suitably awesome for all kinds of rugged wargames out in the badlands.
Firelock Games are now taking pre-orders for the Blood & Crowns Rulebook alongside a host of additional accessories to help you get started in this 28mm Medieval wargame.
Unleash some deadly beasts on enemy warbands in Necromunda with the Beastmaster and their deadly, gnawing ratty companions. Games Workshop has been showing off a great new Outland Beastmaster with a snarling creature by their side.
Another new Warhammer Underworlds warband is going to be up for pre-order this weekend. A tale of two lovers, separated by a terrible curse, is the focus of this new warband although it seems as if events have taken quite the dark (and necromantic) twist.
Games Workshop are taking pre-orders for the new Kroot Hunting Pack - T'au Empire Army Set this weekend. If you're looking to stalk your prey and consume their biomass so that you can evolve into an even deadlier hunter, you'll want to be scooping this up for Warhammer 40,000.
A new edition of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar has been on the cards for a few weeks now and it looks like the teasers and hype are beginning to build. Games Workshop revealed a new teaser this week simply titled "Sigmar Lied" which could mean all sorts of bad things are going to be happening soon in The Mortal Realms.
Ben gives his first impressions of the new Mortal Enemies supplement that you can pick up at the end of March for McCullough's Frostgrave! Will you be creating a villainous foe for your campaigns?
Grey For Now Games' Graham Davey, creator of games like Test Of Honour and 02 Hundred Hours, is entering the world of Fantasy skirmish games with a new announcement this week. Would you be tempted to dive in and find out more about Guards Of Traitor's Toll?
V&V Miniatures has added a unit of charging Mounted Rus Warriors to their collection of 28mm resin figures for those looking to build up their collection of Early Medieval warbands.
Bombshell Miniatures are previewing some of the new figures they have been working on for Darkgrim City. This new Kickstarter campaign will be coming in the next few months and will feature some great new 3D printable miniatures and terrain for your grimdark Fantasy skirmishes.
Warp Miniatures are now offering up the 2.2 Core Rules for ArcWorlde in a lovely paperback format. If you've ever been tempted by this 32mm Fantasy wargame packed with gorgeous miniatures then you can now get your hands on an equally gorgeous set of rules.
Victrix Miniatures have released their new 28mm plastic set for their Early Saxon Unarmoured Warriors. Add these folks into your warbands and start raiding Britain following the collapse of the Roman Empire.
The Plastic Soldier Company are now going print on demand with their books and the first one to be added to their webstore makes a whole lot of sense, it's the Battlegroup Rulebook. This a perfect opportunity for you to dive in and get started in a different World War II wargame.
We dive into some more amazing Dystopian Wars painting, an impressive bunch of characters for The Silver Bayonet and a stunning paint job on Hulk!
PWork Wargames has a couple of new MDF kits for you to snap up for use in your wargames. If, like me, you find forests damn messy to make then how about two new sets of MDF Woods which could simply be painted up and slotted together, ready for the tabletop.
Stoessi's Heroes has been on a bit of a break for a while (their last release was in 2019) but they have now returned and will be creating fascinating miniatures based on movies, TV shows and the real history of World War II.
Restoration Games has announced another set coming to the Unmatched series. This time around, the Bard Of Avon is calling on some of his famous characters in a tabletop clash as part of Slings And Arrows.
The Dead Man's Hand Redux Two-Player Starter Set is now available for you to pre-order from Great Escape Games. Dive into an ace 28mm Wild West shootout on the tabletop with the new starter set plus bonus plastic terrain and more.
Mortal Enemies, the new supplement for Osprey Games' Frostgrave, is going to be coming out later in March. To support that release, you can now pre-order a range of deadly creature miniatures in 28mm from North Star Military Figures.
The return to Heroscape from Avalon Hill is now available to pre-order from the folks at Renegade Game Studios. There are three sets for you to snap up as part of the wave one pre-orders, offering up larger and smaller entry points into Heroscape for newcomers and veterans alike.
Steamforged Games has a couple of new Epic Encounters sets coming up for those looking to build up new adventures for your D&D 5th Edition group. This time, we're looking at some classics of the Dungeons & Dragons adventure, the Gnolls.
Cubicle 7 has announced that they are working on a new card game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Darktide: The Card Game is a deadly cooperative caper for one-to-four players as you battle against Chaos horrors and corrupted Guardsmen across six missions.
Modiphius has announced that they are working on publishing a new Mass Effect board game later this year alongside Asmodee. Designed by Eric M. Lang and Calvin Wong Tze Loon, Mass Effect The Board Game - Priority: Hagalaz is going to be a new cooperative, story-driven board game.
Warp Miniatures has done it again! A new collection of miniatures is available to download and 3D Print for your Fantasy adventures. This time around, it's the totally original The Fellows Of The Golden Band.
Just this morning I was lamenting the fact that the Darkoath Marauders of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar were still the old plastic miniatures from Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Well, Games Workshop's ears must have been burning as they now have an awesome set of revamped miniatures for you to start your Darkoath army.
Designed to match the look of classic Sci-Fi adventurers in your Oldhammer games, Satyr Art Studio has released a new set of miniatures as part of a first run! This set of first-run miniatures will be available until the metals are available in around one to two weeks.
Games Workshop previewed a couple of new miniatures for the grimdark world of Warhammer 40,000. Both the Orks and the Adeptus Custodes are coming soon with Codexes to match and that means a few new characters to help lead your armies.
Another of Games Workshop's previews for the weekend focused on Warhammer Age Of Sigmar and another set of characters. Based on the Hammer and Bolter episode, Monsters, you can now pick up Gunnar Brand and his Darkoath warriors for use in your games.
Games Workshop showed off a bunch of miniatures over the weekend and some of the favourites seem to be the new Gnome team that you'll be able to pick up for Blood Bowl! Gnomes are one of those factions that doesn't often get a look in when it comes to Warhammer but they've now burst forth from their burrows!
Mantic Games has revealed the first 32mm scale miniatures for their upcoming Halo skirmish game in partnership with 343 Industries! Are you starting to get a little bit excited about the idea of Spartan Vs Spartan Sci-Fi deathmatches on the tabletop?
Ben dives into some of the fun miniatures out there that would be perfect for those looking to try and replicate the Helldivers 2 experience on the tabletop. Wargames Atlantic seems to have you sorted!