Following on from our first video for the Conquest Sorcerer Kings Week, Gerry and Shay sit down to go through how to expand your Sorcerer Kings army for use in Para Bellum Games' 35mm Fantasy wargame, Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings and First Blood.
Gerry is joined by Konstantinos from Para Bellum Games to talk about the lore, background and history behind the Sorcerer Kings, the newest nation to join the world of Ea and Conquest. Find out if the lore might get you buying into this faction as part of Conquest Sorcerer Kings Week!
Gerry and Shay continue their clash between the Sorcerer Kings and the City States with a Let's Play of Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings at 1500 points aside. See how this clash plays out in our big 35mm scale Fantasy battle for Conquest Sorcerer Kings Week!
John dives into an in-depth painting tutorial of one of the most impressive Para Bellum Games miniatures in Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings' Sorcerer Kings army. John shows you how to paint the Rakshasa Ravanar and whilst this is a unique miniature, you could use a lot of the techniques here to paint the rest of your Sorcerer Kings army.
In our first Battle Report and Let's Play for Conquest Sorcerer Kings Week Gerry's Sorcerer Kings clash with Shay's City States in a 1000-point game of First Blood. Two of the newest armies from Para Bellum Games 35mm Fantasy wargame clash in the abandoned ruins of a forgotten city.
As part of Conquest Sorcerer Kings Week, Gerry takes you through a series of 35mm miniatures available to those wanting to dive into crafting Sorcerer Kings armies for Para Bellum Games' Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings. We've collected together our unboxings into a miniature showcase covering the Sorcerer Kings heroes, troops, monsters and more that you'll be able to make use of in your armies.
Gerry is joined by Leo for from Para Bellum Games for Conquest Sorcerer Kings Week to talk about the design concept behind the Sorcerer Kings and how the faction has developed and evolved for Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings and First Blood. Learn about the design process and how that happened alongside the community voting for them to become a reality!
Gerry and Shay kick off Conquest Sorcerer Kings Week by exploring how to get started with the army in this 35mm Fantasy wargame by Para Bellum Games. They begin with Starter Set choices and delve into unit choices and mechanics exploring both the stunning miniatures and tactical choices for the tabletop.
Conquest Sorcerer Kings Week Starts Monday 5th August!
6 months ago 15Para Bellum Games and OnTableTop will be bringing you an insight into the excellent 35mm Fantasy miniatures wargame Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings and the newest faction for the game, the Sorcerer Kings! Our themed week starts Monday 5th August where we're be diving into battles, painting tutorials, lore insights and more.