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Forest Dragon 3D

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Cult Of Games XLBS: Your Ideal Battleground! What Big Terrain Project Would You Start?


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into a discussion on terrain building after seeing John's work on his fun little Kill Team project. We decide to go BIG and think about larger-than-life terrain projects. What do you think your dream terrain project would be?

Community Spotlight: Oldhammer Terrain, Full Spectrum Dominance & Tiny Undead!

4 months ago 9

Join us this week for a bunch of awesome Oldhammer vibes with a bit of classic Ork terrain and some epic-scale armies. We also dive into a great Full Spectrum Dominance project where tiny armies are coming to life.

Community Spotlight: Oldhammer, MORE Tiny Elves & Dead Man’s Hand!


We dive into some classic Warhammer Fantasy Battles goodness this week plus some 10mm Elves AND a trip to the Old West with Dead Man's Hand. What have you been up to?

Cult Of Games XLBS: What’s YOUR Perfect Wargaming Temptation?


Join us for a new episode of Cult Of Games XLBS! In this week's episode, we're diving deep into BattleTech which has taken over John's life AND asking about your tabletop temptations? What potentially leftfield game would you LOVE to play?

Forest Dragon Summon Forth A 10mm Reptilian Army On Patreon


Forest Dragon 3D has put together a range of awesome new releases via their Patreon for those wanting to print out big 10mm armies for Fantasy wargames like Warmaster and Fantastic Battles. A Reptilian Army has arisen!

Printing In Detail Showcase 10mm Dragons, Mages & Pirate Dwarfs!


Printing In Detail has now released more 10mm miniatures for you to snap up for the likes of Warmaster or perhaps a bit of Fantastic Battles. We start with some mighty warlords and the Despoilers Dragon taking centre stage. 

Battle With 10mm Mercs & Mighty Lords From Printing In Detail


Printing In Detail has a few new extra kits for you to snap up for your 10mm Fantasy wargames. The Mercenary Army is expanding with two new regiments thanks to the sculpting by MiniRat Studio.

Forest Dragon’s Despoilers Arrive From Printing In Detail


Printing In Detail has been working on more of the miniatures sculpted by Forest Dragon. This month they have the start of the Despoilers army for those interested in playing Fantasy wargames in 10mm. 

Printing In Detail Reveal Full 10mm Noble Elves Army


Printing In Detail has now put together the full Forest Dragon Noble Elves army in 10mm for you to use in your smaller scale mass battle wargames! Head back to The Old World and fight from the misted isle.

Community Spotlight: Tiny Kings Of War, Age Of Magic & Bobby Baratheon!

4 years ago 4

Some fantastic Fantasy offerings for you this week as part of Community Spotlight. Make sure to dive on in and see what we've picked out.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Where Are All The Deadly Orks In 40K!? – Also Lloyd’s Balls Did Rust!


Get stuck into another episode of Cult Of Games XLBS where we're talking hobby and why all Orks/Orcs have to be the butt of the joke in our tabletop games!

Printing In Detail Bring 10mm Chivalric Knights To Life!


Printing In Detail continues to supply stunning prints of the amazing 10mm miniatures by Forest Dragon.

Printing In Detail Summon Forth New 10mm Undead Miniatures


Printing In Detail have been working away on a new set of Forest Dragon miniatures in 10mm for you to use in your massive Undead armies.

Unboxing: Printing In Detail – 10mm Wood Elves


Today we're unboxing some 10mm Fantasy Wood Eves from Printing in Detail based on 3D sculpts by Forest Dragon 3D.

Stuck In Lockdown? WIN Vouchers In Our Leisure League! + Midlam Miniatures’ Fantasy Cultists FTW!


We're looking at Midlam Miniatures' ace Fantasy range, introducing you to the Lockdown Leisure League in collaboration with Wayland Games AND you could win World War III: Team Yankee Soviets!

Age Of Sigmar Gargants Cost Too Much; Just Get A Mantic Giant? #Weekender

4 years ago 123

This week on the OTT Weekender! We're getting a look at the new 28mm Age Of Sigmar Gargants miniatures and measuring them up against the Mantic Games Giant.

Printing In Detail Raise New 10mm Undead For Your Fantasy Battles


Printing In Detail has produced a new set of Forest Dragon Undead for you to use in your 10mm mass battle Fantasy games!

Printing In Detail Unleash 10mm Wood Elf Forest Dragon!


Printing In Detail continues to produce some fantastic Fantasy miniatures based on the work by Forest Dragon 3D.

Wood Elf Reinforcements In 10mm From Printing In Detail


Printing In Detail have a new batch of releases for July available for their 10mm Wood Elf range.  If you haven't seen them before Printing in Detail have a commercial license to produce miniatures from Forest Dragon's Patreon. 

Weekender: WIN Warhammer 40K Indomitus + New Necron & Space Marine Miniatures!


In this episode we're looking at the new Warhammer 40,000: Indomitus box and giving our opinions on the new models PLUS exploring the fantastic and piratical world of Freebooter's Fate!

Printing In Detail Release Stylish 10mm Wood Elves


Printing In Detail has worked on producing a series of 10mm Wood Elves based on 3D printing files from Patreon.

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