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Fogou Models

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Kick Off Orktober With Kromlech’s Awesome New Miniature Collection! #OTTWeekender


It's OTTWeekender time! With Orktober just around the corner, we dive into some of the awesome miniatures that Kromlech has been showing off for possibly the best month in the wargaming calendar. They have some awesome new characters, troops, vehicles and more that you can use to make your Sci-Fi Orc armies in 28mm look great!

Set Up A Post-Apocalyptic Race Track With Fogou’s RAD TRAX!


Make sure to dive in during the last few days to get your hands on a brand-new set of resin terrain from Fogou Models! The RAD TRAX Kickstarter is running right now offering up a chance to build a Post-Apocalyptic race track. 

Fogou Models Turn More Terrain Into Tumbling 28mm Ruins


Fogou Models recently added a few more terrain kits to their Ruins range for you to use in your 28mm wargames. Being particularly fitting for Fantasy and Historical wargames, these could also find a way into other genres if you liked. 

[unofficial Hobby Hangout] #169 Beer, beer and beer.


Check Out Fogou Models’ New Mud Brick Houses On Kickstarter


Fogou Models are closing in on the end of a Kickstarter campaign which is looking to offer up some brand new Mud Brick Houses in 28mm scale for you to use in Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Historical games on the tabletop.

Ash Waste Nomads Storm Necromunda + CLASSIC Old World Miniatures For Tabletop Games! #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! Ash Waste Nomads Storm Necromunda + CLASSIC Old World Characters For Tabletop Games, whether you're after the latest insectoid mounts from Games Workshop or want to scratch the retro itch with the denizens of Dunkeldorf we have you covered!

Fogou Models Have Some Grave Concerns About Tombs & Barrows


Fogou Models are heading to Kickstarter tomorrow to run a quick campaign to expand on their fantastic range of drystone terrain pieces which are perfect for fantasy games and historical encounters from ancient times right up to modern conflicts.

Unboxing: Dark Age Ring Fort Wargaming Terrain | Fogou Models

3 years ago 8

We dive into another Fogou Models Unboxing as we take a peek at their Dark Age Ring Fort which can be built for Historical and Fantasy tabletop wargames. 

Unboxing: Dry Stone Buildings Wargaming Terrain | Fogou Models


Gerry unboxes some of the Fogou Models Dry Stone Buildings from their Dark Age range. These are perfect for setting up detailed tabletops packed with 28mm wargaming terrain.

The Future Of Star Wars Miniatures Games + Bot War; More Than Meets The Eye! #Weekender


This week on the OTT Weekender! Star Wars miniatures games change hands plus Bot War; a transformers-esque game which has got us very excited in Indie Of The Week!

Fogou Models Dun Good With A Fantasy Dark Age Ringfort


Fogou Models have returned to Kickstarter and the drystone walls of the Dark Ages for a new campaign Dun! Dun! Dun!...pause for dramatic effect... a 28mm Ringfort for all your Dark Age and Fantasy gaming needs.

Fogou Models Adobe Buildings A Wretched Place Of Scum & Villainy


You may be aware that I'm a fan of Fogou Models and their fantastic range of resin buildings for dark age gaming, the fact that I can also sneak some of them onto Star Wars tables is an added bonus. Well they've launched a new range of buildings and they've swapped the Celtic drystone buildings for Adobe mudbricks. These are scaled for 28mm and are perfect for a host of games and time periods, from the bronze age of Troy through to colonial warfare, desert warfare in world war 2 or a planet in a galaxy, far, far away.

Check Out These Adobe Buildings From Fogou’s Brickstarter


Fogou Models has a terrific new range of 28mm resin buildings being funded right now through their Mud Brick Starter campaign .

Weekender: Make The Old New; Spring Clean Hobby Challenge Announced!


We announce a new Hobby Challenge for Springtime AND delve into lots more from the tabletop world!

Weekender XLBS: Gerry Shows His Stones & What Keeps You Building An Army?


Airport experiences, building rocky terrain and keeping your armies going are the focus of today's Weekender XLBS

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