Black Scorpion Miniatures
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Black Scorpion Miniatures are working on some new Historical miniatures for both their Cutlass! and Tombstone ranges. We start with a new (and famous) Pirate in the form of Blackbeard in 32mm scale!
Black Scorpion Miniatures released a couple of new miniatures for you to use in your swashbuckling wargames and a bit of Wild West gunslinging. Leading the way, we have the Musketeer who is going to be swinging from chandeliers and fighting to heroic music.
In this week's Community Spotlight, we dive into a Wild West project with a twist, some Deathship One miniatures and an excellent Nottingham Shire Hall terrain build.
Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...
Join us for Cult Of Games XLBS this week as we sit down and discuss John's hobby that brings in an excessive amount of cost for kitbashing and some tournaments both past and future that he plans to attend.
Black Scorpion Miniatures have previewed their upcoming haul of Salute 2024 figures that you can scoop up at the event in just two weeks. There is a strong focus on growing the Breninmoor 32mm Fantasy range with some great new characters and troops.
Black Scorpion Miniatures has previewed some awesome new figures that they have been working on that will soon be joining their collection. Prepare to ambush folks on the road with these Highway Robbers.
Black Scorpion Miniatures are closing in on the final few days of their Kickstarter campaign to bring a 32mm Wild West town to life. You can explore this Tombstone Town as STL Files which you can print off and use in your Wild West wargames from 28mm up to 32mm.
Black Scorpion Miniatures are joining in with the fun when it comes to making Wild West terrain as they recently showed off some awesome 3D Printable options that are soon going to be added into the mix. These are going to be great for those looking to play games between 28mm and 35mm including their own game, Tombstone!
At OnTableTop, we've often pondered on the best ways to get into Historical wargaming. We even did a whole Cult Of Games episode about it. After mulling it over for a while and muttering about the toss-up between the Dark Ages and World War II, I think I've come down on the side of something entirely different. What about the Wild West?
In this week's Community Spotlight, we dive into the world of Moonstone once more, a wonderful Wizard's Folly for some Fantasy adventures and some Pirates Of Legend!
As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into some of the hobby that we've been up to but also get stuck into whether the time is ripe for "the one wargaming system to rule them all". Warren gets precious about dice and puts forward an interesting question about the way we learn rules and the games we play.
Black Scorpion Miniatures have been showing off some of the new sculpts coming to their 32mm Fantasy Kickstarter that will have a bit of a dungeon-delving theme!
Black Scorpion Miniatures has been showing off some more of the miniatures coming to their Fantasy Breninmoor collection when the new year rolls around. See what you make of these Imperial Greatswords who are going to be chopping up anyone who gets in their way.
Black Scorpion Miniatures have recently released a few new characters for you to consider snapping up and adding to your Fantasy or indeed Historical wargames. The first of these is a squat and formidable Dwarf Knight.
Black Scorpion Miniatures has expanded their 32mm scale Breninmoor range this month with a new set of Highlanders. Send these folks down from the hills with their clansmen and start raiding nearby settlements.
Black Scorpion Miniatures has a brand new set of Female Gunslingers for you to snap soon. More of their 32mm Tombstone range is popping up for those seeking to do a bit more Wild West wargaming.
Black Scorpion Miniatures are working away on a new set of 32mm Fantasy Adventurers that will be making a mark on Kickstarter soon.
Black Scorpion Miniatures is honing in on a set of new releases soon as a sort of Virtual Salute, making up for the fact that we don't have an event this year. New 32mm Fantasy/Historical miniatures are making their way to their webstore for Cutlass! and Breninmoor.
Black Scorpion Miniatures has now released a new set of 32mm miniatures for you to use during your Historical and Fantasy wargames. Here we have the new resin Crossbowmen for their Breninmoor range.
Black Scorpion Miniatures has been working on some more Fantasy miniatures for their 32mm Breninmoor collection. This builds on their existing set of Skeleton Warriors, shambling forth to do battle with your heroes.
Black Scorpion Miniatures has been showing off a band of new 32mm resin Mercenaries for you to use in your Fantasy wargames.
Black Scorpion are preparing some new miniatures that are going to be popping up at Salute next month. The miniatures we're looking at here are for Tombstone, their 32mm Wild West skirmish game.
The folks at Black Scorpion Miniatures have been showing off a few new releases over the last few months. October and September bring new miniatures for both Cutlass! and Tombstone so you'll find something new for both the Wild West and the Golden Age Of Piracy.
Black Scorpion has been adding to their 32mm Breninmoor range once more with the addition of some Skeleton Warriors. This Fantasy set looks perfect for those wanting to replicate dead servants and attendants who have been risen from their graves to serve once more.
Black Scorpion Miniatures has revealed their next set of releases for the month of June.
Black Scorpion Miniatures has put together a new preview for their Fantasy collection. They are working towards releasing a new set of Skeleton Warriors with one pack available in June and more to come!
Black Scorpion Miniatures are continuing with new releases in the wake of there being no Salute. There are new options for both their Tombstone and Breninmoor ranges starting with Bronwen who is getting ready to kick some ass.
We take a look at some excellent painting on Space Marines, Native Americans and some tiny World War II warships!
Black Scorpion has added two new sets of 28mm miniatures to their webstore for those expanding upon their Breninmoor collection.
Join us once more for Cult Of Games XLBS where Warren and Gerry take us on a journey back into the realm of nostalgia with a whole host of Star Wars pre-painted miniatures.
Black Scorpion Miniatures has shown off some more models which are coming to the 32mm Breninmoor collection.
Black Scorpion Miniatures has now released their set of resin 28mm Halflings for their ever-expanding Breninmoor Fantasy range.
Black Scorpion Miniatures has been teasing more of what is going to be popping up next year in 2021.
Black Scorpion Miniatures has previewed some new miniatures which are still a long way off.
Black Scorpion Miniatures is growing their pirate crew for use in Cutlass! and beyond with a new set of skeletal swashbucklers now available over on their webstore.
Black Scorpion Miniatures has a new addition to their 32mm Breninmoor collection this month.
Black Scorpion does some fantastic miniatures for their games, one in particular stands head and shoulders (and knees) above the rest and that is the immense giant for their game of fantasy piracy Cutlass!
Black Scorpion Miniatures has updated their website and produced a new set of models for you to use in your Fantasy wargames.
This week on The Weekender we're looking at a cool new Ultra Modern wargame called Battlespace plus delving into the Black Scorpion Miniatures range in Indie Of The Week. Also, Kickstarters and much more too!
Black Scorpion Miniatures were going to be releasing a bunch of new models at Salute this weekend but since it was cancelled they decided to sort out an online sale which features a bunch of new and old characters from their collection.
Black Scorpion Miniatures are going to be coming back to Kickstarter before the end of February with a new set of miniatures for the Breninmoor collection.