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Terminator Teasers! What Does GW Have Planned For Warhammer 40K? #OTTWeekender

2 years ago 25

It's OTT Weekender time! Some interesting teasers from Games Workshop this week for Warhammer 40K. They dropped a video or two focusing on new Terminator miniatures and new Tyranids that will be fighting on grimdark Sci-Fi battlefields, perhaps in 10th Edition Warhammer 40K?

ArmyBits Showcase More Upcoming 15mm US Cold War Soldiers


ArmyBits have been showing off a lot more of their upcoming US soldiers which you can use for your Cold War-era wargames and Modern engagements on the tabletop. The focus has been on bulking out the US army in 15mm with a whole host of small soldiers.

ArmyBits Preview New 15mm Modern US Soldier Miniatures


ArmyBits have been showcasing some of their upcoming 15mm miniatures that will be gracing battlefields soon. They have previously done some great work when it comes to the Cold War period and Modern battlefields and that trend continues with these new US Soldiers. 

ArmyBits Preview More Cold War Goodies Coming Soon


ArmyBits has been showcasing a few nice previews of what is coming for their expanding Cold War range.

ArmyBits Kickstarter Range Of 15mm Soviet Cold War Infantry


The Cold War is hotting up once more as ArmyBits has been showing off their Kickstarter campaign for a range of 15mm Soviet Cold War Infantry.

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