White Dragon Miniatures
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In to-day's unboxing, we take a look at some sensational modern combat models from White Dragon Miniatures which are available in both 20mm and 28mm and with a variety of head options.
Never Tried Napoleonics? We’ve Found Ace Miniatures To Get You Started In Historics! #OTTWeekender
3 years ago 42It's OTT Weekender Time! Never had a go at Napoleonics? We've found some ace miniatures that should be great for getting you started in historic wargames on the tabletop!
White Dragon Miniatures has expanded its Courage In Contact Modern Warfare range with some brand new Russian miniatures! There are two new Patrol Packs for you to check out armed with a variety of weapons.
White Dragon Miniatures have previewed another set of miniatures for their Modern Warfare Courage In Contact collection. After the success of the Israel Defence Force last week, they are turning their attention to the Russians!
White Dragon Miniatures has now released their Israel Defence Force for their Courage In Contact collection. These miniatures are available in 20mm or 28mm and should suit plenty of Modern Warfare-era conflicts.
This week on the OTT Weekender! Star Wars miniatures games change hands plus Bot War; a transformers-esque game which has got us very excited in Indie Of The Week!
White Dragon Miniatures are going to be building on their Courage In Contact Modern Warfare range soon with some new additions to both the British and Taliban forces.
White Dragon Miniatures has added a chunky new vehicle into the mix for their Courage In Contact collection which brings Modern Warfare to the tabletop.
We're chatting with Phalanx Games about their new Kickstarter project and diving into more from the tabletop world this week!
Some stylish and cheap buildings, a grand Ork Boss and Afghan War soldiers pop up this week from the community.
We chat to some of you folks in the community and discuss your hobby as well as what we've been up to!
Some big guns have been shown off for those diving into Modern wargaming and White Dragon Miniatures' Courage In Contact range.
We get chatting to the teams behind CoreBall, and announce a new Flames Of War D-Day Boot Camp.
Welcome back warriors! We are back for our regular podcast and we are catching up from the first two big conventions of the year, Adepticon and Salute!
White Dragon Miniatures have designed up some rather awesome new releases for their growing Courage In Contact range.
White Dragon Miniatures has now added their Courage In Contact range to their webstore.
This is somewhat old news by now, but I wanted to remind folks that White Dragon Miniatures are going to be bringing a new range of Modern British Soldiers to the tabletop this year.
White Dragon Miniatures has put together a set of new upgrades for your Talos Exo Suits in their 15mm Sci-Fi range.
White Dragon Miniatures are expanding their 15mm scale Sci-Fi range with some new models, the MTU Injured Soldiers Pack. Take a look...
We talk with Alan from White Dragon Miniatures about their spaceship dogfighting game, Shattered Void, which is currently on Kickstarter.
White Dragon Miniatures have been hitting more of their stretch goal targets for Shattered Void and the next one focuses towards adding the New Corvettes to their respective factions...
Weekender: Shattered Void Prize, Awesome Infinity Vehicles & New 4Ground Buildings in the Studio
9 years ago 115Join us for a great Weekender with a great competition to win yourself a fantastic Shattered Void prize!
White Dragon’s Shattered Void Spaceships Reviewed!
9 years ago 12Christian Schlumpberger reviews some of the ships available for White Dragon Miniatures' Shattered Void which is on Kickstarter now...
A new race added to the mix, rules downloads and plenty of new ships are on the horizon for Shattered Void.
White Dragon Miniatures are now on Kickstarter with the launch of their Sci-Fi dogfighting game called Shattered Void.
White Dragon Miniatures have now revealed the start date for their Kickstarter for Shattered Void. Their dogfighting space ship game is going to be looking for fundraising from July 1st 2016!
Sit back and relax with us for The Weekender XLBS as we discuss some interesting decisions from Games Workshop, talk about getting you settled in the hobby and show off Warren's latest gadgets...
White Dragon Miniatures have now opened their webstore allowing you to pick up their 15mm Sci-Fi range. There are plenty of Infantry, Mechs and Vehicles to choose from which will build the core of a really serious fighting force all of which are incredibly well sculpted...
The Lazy Forger has been working on some 15mm Scale Terrain which will be available to work alongside the White Dragon Miniatures line soon. See what you think of the piece so far...
Welcome to another Weekender. We've had a packed week of filming over the past few days but now we get to relax with you lovely folks!
White Dragon Miniatures have finalised their 15mm Sci-Fi MTU range that was bought to life by the generosity of a lot of Kickstarter backers. You can see some shots of the complete models below all of which are in the middle of being shipped off to backers...
White Dragon Miniatures have continued their updates for the Marine Tactical Unit Kickstarter in 15mm as well as an introduction for Shattered Void, their 3mm dogfighting space combat game coming soon too in the same universe...
White Dragon Miniatures have got to the stage where the pledge manager for their 15mm Sci-Fi campaign is nearly ready and models are coming to life! Not only is The Fiddler going off to the printers but they've been working hard on the Strix Recon Mech and a tank alongside Prodos too...
White Dragon Miniatures are doing really well with their Marine Tactical Unit 15mm Scale Kickstarter and that means more stretch goals. The latest of these to be unlocked are the Strix Mechs with something big and brutal just around the corner...
White Dragon Miniatures' 15mm Marine Tactical Unit Kickstarter is going very well indeed and they've already unlocked an awesome stretch goal which brings the Talos Exo-Suit Squad to the tabletop...
White Dragon Miniatures have begun their Kickstarter for the 15mm Marine Tactical Unit! The idea behind the campaign is to get some of their amazing models out there into the market with a simple and straight forward campaign...
See what the ships looked like on White Dragon Miniatures' Shattered Void board at Salute 2015.
White Dragon Miniatures have sent some of their 15mm troops off to the Dwartist who has painted them up in a stunning scheme for the tabletop.
Check out not only the awesome Proteus Battle Mech for 15mm scale but also a host of the new Troops and even Ships for the world of Shattered Void by White Dragon Miniatures.