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StudioLevel Website Launch Makes It Simple To Build Your Table


Over the past few years, StudioLevel has run eight Kickstarters for a variety of terrain sets and game aids and now they have launched their own website and store so the catalogue is available for people who missed out to get their hands on some lovely bits of resin, or something more bespoke.

Studio Level Have The Battlepack For Gamers On The Go


Studio Level is a Polish Company who make handmade terrain to raise your tabletop wargames to the next level. They've done some superb work in the past with ranges of resin terrain and they are on Kickstarter with a campaign for a piece of kit that a lot of gamers who travel with their collections will love. 

Weekender: NEW Aliens Board Game + WIN Flames Of War British Bundle!

5 years ago 95

We're talking World War II British, Knight Tales and a new Aliens Board Game coming out of Gale Force Nine. You can also get your hands on a FREE 3D File to print off at home!

Battle In Modular Petrolyard Terrain With StudioLevel


StudioLevel are on Kickstarter right now looking to fund their collection of modular terrain for your post-apocalyptic wastelands. See what you make of the PETROLYARD Kickstarter!

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