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Spartan Games

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Salute 2014 The Ultimate Tour Part 1


Salute 2014 was an absolutely epic show, both the largest and most attended in its history. Join us as we explore the fantastic gaming tables and demo games that were available to attendees, in this Ultimate Virtual Tour of Salute […]

Dystopian Wars 2.0 On The Way From Spartan Games!


Bring on the resurgence of Dystopian Wars with 2.0 coming very soon at the end of May. Will you be picking up that Two Player Battle Box chock full of Federated States & Blazing Sun ships?

The Black Wolf Raiding Party Gears Up For Dystopian Legions


Lock and load as Dystopian Legions welcomes the Black Wolf Raiding Party to the ranks of this steampunk game.

Check Out New Cruisers For The Firestorm Galaxy


Check out a whole armada of ships that will be floating into the world of Firestorm Armada in the new year.

The Russian Coalition Get Ready For Dystopian Scuffle


See what you think of the Russian Coalition that has been previewed for Dystopian Legions by Spartan Games.

Spartan and Modiphius Summon Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish Game


You read that title right people, next year Spartan Games and Modiphius are joining forces to bring us a WWII skirmish game with a Lovecraftian twist. Next Spring we shall see the rise of the Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish Game.

Firestorm Armada Ramps Up To Battle Stations


Spartan Games are closing in on the release of their new book for Firestorm Armada and in the mean time are previewing their Battle Stations! Which one is your favourite?

Dystopian Legions Carries Out a Portable Death Ray


Spartan Games have previewed the latest 3D renders for a new heavy weapons team being brought into Dystopian Legions.

Spartan Preview A Leader For The Antarctican Legions


See what you make of the heroes from Antarctica who are going to be taking over Dystopian Legions.

A Storm Is Coming With The Firestorm Armada Boxed Set


See what you folks think of the upcoming Storm Zone Box which contains everything you need to get started in the world of Firestorm Armada.

Firestorm Armada’s Directorate Patrol Fleet is Out for Profit


Another of the Patrol Fleet box sets has appeared for Firestorm Armada, this time it is that of the corporate might of the Directorate.

The Covenant Of Antarctica Step Into Dystopian Legions


The Covenant of Antarctica are making their way into the world of Dystopian Legions. Will this be your faction of choice when it comes to their skirmish based game?

Dindrenzi Patrol Fleets are Sighted at Spartan Games


The Storm Zone of Firestorm Armada is soon to resound with the blasting of rail guns as the Dindrenzi Patrol Fleet box set is soon to be released!

Spartan Games’ Planetfall Landing In 2014!


See what you think of the release information about Firestorm Armada spin-off Planetfall!

The Forces Of The Aquan Prime Rise From The Abyss


See what you think of the next faction to get the 'Planetfall' treatment as the Aquan Prime take to the battlefield and leave their watery abode.

Spartan Preview The Swarm Heading For Planetfall

11 years ago 13

Spartan Games show off some more awesome looking artwork for their upcoming Planetfall game. What do you make of these very different looking tanks?

Spartan Prepare The Directorate For Firestorm Planetfall


Dive into more concept art from Spartan Games for Firestorm Planetfall. What do you think of the models for The Directorate?

Spartan Games Create a Geek Dream. Flying Samurai!


Recently we saw a bunch of the new jump troops which will be flying into Dystopian Legions soon. But what's this? Look up in the Spartan Games sky. It's a bird! It's a plane! IT'S FLYING SAMURAI!

Full Steam Ahead! The Dystopian Wars League Begins!


Lee Trayler has put down his pen and taken to the battlefield as the Dystopian Wars Journeyman League begins at Tabletop Nation. See how he fares in his first game within!

The East India Merchant Company Sails Out of Spartan Games


In any conflict there are those looking to make some money from it and the Dystopian Wars is no exception as the East India Merchant Company is ready to sail out for whoever wishes to hire them.

Travel The Uncharted Seas With New Ralgard & Imperials


Take to the Uncharted Seas once more with the Imperial Human and Ralgard fleets. It's great to see them coming back to the fore!

Firestorm Planetfall & 2nd Edition Coming Soon


Firestorm Planetfall is on it's way and Spartan Games have been showing off some of the ace concept art for it!

Fly High With New Sky Pirates For Uncharted Seas


Check out some Sky Pirates for the world of Uncharted Seas. What do you think of these updated ships for the fantasy world from Spartan Games.

Head Up Your Dystopian Legion Forces With New Heroes


Check out some more steampunk soldiers for the Federated States and the Empire of the Blazing Sun in Dystopian Legions.

The Epic Euclid Dreadnought Flies Into Dystopian Wars


Check out another addition to the Covenant of Antarctica Fleet for the awesome game of Dystopian Wars.

The Ralgard Fleet Continues To Grow For Uncharted Seas


Check out another ship that's on the way for Uncharted Seas courtesy of Spartan Games.

Spartan Games Lead Your Troops In Dystopian Legions


Check out some of the new models coming to the world of Dystopian Legions from Spartan Games.

Spartan Build More Ships For Uncharted Seas


Check out some previews of upcoming Uncharted Seas models. It isn't over yet!

Operation Sirocco & New Dystopian Wars Boxed Sets


Engage in a new conflict with the Operation Sirocco book coming soon for Dystopian Wars.

Steampunk & Sci-Fi Releases From Spartan Games For July


Check out a whole range of new releases from Spartan Games for their various games this July.

Dystopian Wars’ Ottomans Take Their City for a Walk


The first of the Ottoman Empire's land based machines has appeared, an Armoured Air Craft carrier which Spartan are currently calling the Walking City.

Take in the Scenery of Spartan Scenics


This June sees Spartan Games head off in a new direction with their products, namely their new range of HDF and acrylic terrain which they are calling Spartan Scenics!

The Fleets of the Ottoman Empire Join the Dystopian Wars


The graceful ships of the Ottoman Empire have set sail from Spartan Games and are joining the naval battles for national supremacy in Dystopian Wars.

All Aboard the FSA Land Train for Dystopian Wars


The Federated States of America are receiving new versatile vehicle to help bring down the enemies on land. All aboard the Columbia Land Train.

The Chinese and Aussies Sail into Dystopian Wars on Spring Tides


This May two new nations are joining the battle for the seas which is Dystopian Wars. Prepare to battle in the Far East and Down Under.

A Bizarre Ship Joins Dystopian Wars’ Russian Coalition


The Russian Coalition of Dystopian Wars is getting a rather strange looking new ship for their fleet; the Veliky Class Escort.

The League of Italian States Rides the Wave of Dystopian War Releases


Spartan Games have announced a massive new wave of Dystopian War releases for April, including the much longed for League of Italian States!

What Is This Sailing Into Dystopian Wars?


Spartan Games have published a preview for a release they will be announcing next week. Could we be seeing the beginning of the League of Italian Nations?

Dystopian Wars Shakes At the Arrival of Armoured Clash


Dystopian Wars, that great game of Victorian sci-fi warfare is expanding the battles taking place on land with their new rule set Armoured Clash!

New Models For Both Sides Of Spartan’s Dystopian Past


Check out the future, or the past, of Dystopian Wars & Dystopian Legions. Some massive armoured vehicles are on the way...

Dystopian Wars Hears The Rumble Of An Armoured Advance


Check out the massive host of armoured vehicles coming to the world of Dystopian Wars.

Get Started In Firestorm Armada With A Free Rulebook Download!


The folks at Spartan Games have decided that you all need to learn how to play Firestorm Armada by releasing the entire rulebook for FREE on their website!

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