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Raging Heroes

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Raging Heroes Update Shows Off New Sci-Fi & Fantasy Warrior Women


We focus in on two of the new character releases coming soon from Raging Heroes for their Darkness & Light collection.

Weekender XLBS: Miniatures IP Debate & Bolt Action Tanks Explored


Void & Lust Elves Soon From Raging Heroes Led By The HUGE Shaah


Raging Heroes have been doing a lot to build on their Toughest Girls of the Galaxy range but they also have plans coming together for both their Void & Lust Elves which work in your games of Fantasy and Sci-Fi.

Weekender XLBS: Embracing A Healthy Hobby & Why D&D Is Good For You!


Sit back and relax with us as we talk through embracing and having a healthy hobby + Win an awesome FAITH: Sci-Fi RPG Prize!

Raging Heroes’ Svetlana Joins the Fight for Freedom


Another of Raging Heroes' new Toughest Girls of the Galaxy range is ready to join the battle. This time we're joining the fight for freedom with the release of Svetlana.

Keela Krupps On The Airwaves From Raging Heroes


Continuing with a range of new female characters for your Sci-Fi gaming we have Keela Krupps, Transmissions Coordinator by Raging Heroes...

Weekender XLBS: Chatting Hobby With Romain & A New Way Of Transporting Board Games?


Welcome Backstage to check out some great Kickstarters and delve into a load of hobby that we've been getting stuck into this week...

Raging Heroes Hand Over Command to Major Madsen


Following the release of the beautiful Faceless Mother miniature, Raging Heroes have another Toughest Girls of the Galaxy miniature available, the tough as nails Major Severina Madsen.

Nertha The Faceless Mother Floats Out Of Raging Heroes


There are some stunning miniatures in the Raging Heroes collection but this one is standing head and shoulders above the rest for me right now. See what you think of Nertha, The Faceless Mother...

Raging Heroes Fly High With New Iron Empire Jet Girls


Raging Heroes have some new additions to their webstore for the Iron Empire. If you want to fly high then check out the Jet Girls who look like they'd be fantastic as part of a Sci-Fi army and a Steampunk inspired one too...

Community Painting Picks – Tough Girls & Malifaux Toys

9 years ago 13

Welcome back to our first instalment of Community Painting Picks for 2016. We've got some neat picks for you including a tough Sci-Fi woman, some creepy Malifaux models and some Fantasy knights...

Unboxing: Toughest Girls Of The Galaxy – Jailbirds Character Box


We come face to face with more of the Toughest Girls of the Galaxy from Raging Heroes. This time around around we come across a trio of deadly girls and their hippo that make up the Jailbirds Character Box.

Check Out New Finished Raging Heroes Toughest Girls Of The Galaxy


Five new Toughest Girls Of The Galaxy have been spin cast up by Raging Heroes and you need to come and choose your favourite.

Unboxing: Raging Heroes’ Toughest Girls Of The Galaxy – The Lulus


We square up to some of the Toughest Girls of the Galaxy; the Lulus. These stray kids are part of the Jailbirds faction and don't let their size or age fool you. There's no doubting they're as tough as any other member of the army.

Last Day For Raging Heroes Toughest Girls: Light & Darkness Kickstarter


Raging Heroes are closing in on the final day of their Kickstarter Campaign for Light & Darkness and that means a whole host of freebie miniatures AND a mass of unlocked stretch goals.

Raging Heroes Unlock the Mighty Knights of the Chalice


Raging Heroes' current Kickstarter has been a huge success and they have just unlocked a stretch goal bringing a new command group for the Sisters of Mercy.

Q&A Time With Raging Heroes – Light & Darkness Kickstarter


We got a chance to sit down with Benoit Guerville, the Art Director behind Raging Heroes and the new Light & Darkness Kickstarter to get the low down on where they are with Kickstarter right now.

The Raging Heroes Light & Darkness Kickstarter Launches & Funds!


The Raging Heroes Kickstarter for Darkness & Light has gone very well indeed so far and easily surpassed its Kickstarter goal. Check out the various armies and let us know which one is your favourite...

New Raging Heroes Kickstarter To Offer $200 Worth Of Freebies!


If you were planning to pledge on the latest Raging Heroes Kickstarter (or just heard about it) check out the news that from a certain point upwards all pledges will come with $200 worth of freebies!

More Dark Elf Invasion Concepts Invade Raging Heroes


Raging Heroes are continuing to work towards the Dark Elf Invasion that they will be bringing to Kickstarter later in the year and recently showed off the concept for the seductive Lady Darkriss.

Raging Heroes Unleash the Beast of the Dark Elf Invasion in March!


Raging Heroes have announced that their upcoming Kickstarter will be launching late March of this year and to help build up the expectation have published a new concept sketch of what's to come.

Sci-fi and Fantasy Join in Raging Heroes’ Next Kickstarter


Raging Heroes have some news on the plans for their upcoming Kickstarter, which they have said will appear come March.

Raging Heroes Toughest Girls Of The Galaxy Now Available!


Raging Heroes unleash the full might of their Toughest Girls of the Galaxy range on your tabletop and painting area with a whole host of releases.

A Dark Elf Invasion With New Concepts From Raging Heroes


See what you can look forward to with the Dark Elf and Sisters of Eternal Mercy Kickstarter that will begin from Raging Heroes next year! I am loving this Avatar of Shaah!

Raging Heroes Present Production Casts of Drusilla & Natasha


Raging Heroes have published a picture of production casts for two of their Toughest Girls of the Galaxy, Drusilla and Natasha.

Raging Heroes Bring Some Colour to the Kurganova Sisters


Raging Heroes three Kurganova Sisters are the epitome of the tough female fighters of the future that led to their Toughest Girls in the Galaxy Kickstarter. Now these three impressive sculpts are getting shown off with an equally impressive paint job.

The Dark Elves Mount Up At Raging Heroes


Raging Heroes' Toughest Girls of the Galaxy was a great success, but now they are continuing to prepare for their next Kickstarter project with concept sketch of the Dark Elf army's vestal cavalry.

Raging Heroes’ Queen Xarsiss Leads The Dark Elf Attack!


See what you think of some more artwork working its way out about Raging Heroes new Kickstarter focused on Dark Elves of the Fantasy and Sci-Fi variety. Is she the Succubus for you?

Raging Heroes Get Painting & Howling In New Update


Delve into the latest blog from Raging Heroes as they talk about more Toughest Girls In The Galaxy. Do you like these fancy Were-She-Wolves?

Raging Heroes Continue With Next Kickstarter Teasers


Raging Heroes are continuing to show off a selection of concept art for both their Dark Elves and the Sisters of Eternal Mercy for the upcoming Kickstarter.

The Eternal Sisters Burn Raging Heroes’ Unbelievers


Raging Heroes show off some rather dangerous and zealous Eternal Sisters and an even more deadly Slave Master for the Dark Elves.

A Twisted Dark Elf Teaser From Raging Heroes


Raging Heroes begin their prep for the next Kickstarter coming later this year. Dark Elves and Sisters of Eternal Mercy are on the horizon.

Check Out A Raging Collection Of Tough Girls!


Check out this awesome collection of beauties that are coming out of Raging Heroes and their Toughest Girls of the Galaxy.

The Regular Troops of Raging Heroes’ Iron Empire Appear


One of the great things about Raging Heroes' Toughest Girls of the Galaxy range is that they are making the regular troops as well as heroes, regular troops such as this lady here from the Iron Empire.

Prepare to Go Psycho for the Latest Toughest Girl in the Galaxy


Raging Heroes ever expanding selection of the Toughest Girls in the Galaxy has had yet another crackpot member; Yoko the Psycho. When we say she's smoking hot, it isn't a metaphor.

Raging Heroes Show Just How Dangerous a Hippo Can Be


Raging Heroes have been putting up some updates on the status of their hugely successful Toughest Girls of the Galaxy, but while they are working on those models it seems they decided to make you all a mascot of the most dangerous animal in Africa. The mighty Hippo.

Raging Heroes’ Tough Girls Continue To Rake In Pledges


Check out some more of the awesome artwork for upcoming miniatures in the Raging Heroes Kickstarter.

The Kurganova Troopers Take Shape From Raging Heroes


Check out a 3D Print of one of the Toughest Girls in the Galaxy from Raging Heroes. They are looking pretty special right now and it's going to be great seeing how they look as a full army.

Raging Heroes Hits the Road on Their War Bike


Raging Heroes' Kickstarter campaign for The Toughest Girls in the Galaxy has been a resounding success, so much so that they are bringing out new stretch goals for past the $400,000 mark.

The Soul Weaver Joins the Toughest Girls of the Galaxy


Joining the Kickstarter additions which we saw yesterday is another hero from Raging Heroes. She is named Tarja, Yaga Soul Weaver.

Raging Heroes Show Off Their Tough Girl Foot Troops


Check out the slogging foot troops from Raging Heroes for their Toughest Girls in the Galaxy Kickstarter.

The Raging Heroes Tough Girls Kickstarter Funded In A Blur


Check out some of the toughest girls in the galaxy that have already netted Raging Heroes a fair chunk of money via Kickstarter!

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