Perry Miniatures
Perry Miniatures has added a whole host of new miniatures to their Napoleonic line-up. A bunch of new 28mm metal miniatures have popped up for the Danish and the Prussians including some mighty cavalry and some sneaky Jagers!
Bolt Action Goes Big! New World War 2 Miniatures For The Desert War + WIN Starter Set #OTTWeekender
44It's OTT Weekender time! Warlord Games has gone big with a massive host of new 28mm Italian miniatures for use in their World War 2 wargame, Bolt Action. All of them are perfect for The Desert War alongside the new Starter Set.
The folks at Perry Miniatures, namely Michael and Alan Perry, teamed up with Jervis Johnson to put together a set of Napoleonic wargaming rules for you to use with their blisteringly large 28mm miniatures collection. Valour & Fortitude!
Perry Miniatures has slipped some brand new 28mm metal models into their Napoleonic range. Designed for a Saxon Army that would fit in during the period 1806-09, there are two Command options alongside some more of their soldiers with swords at the ready.
Perry Miniatures (or more specifically Alan Perry) have been working away on a new set of 75mm Figures for you to paint up and add to a collection in the near future. The story being told here introduces us to Captain Richard Kenah RN And The Taking Of Banda-Neira.
Perry Miniatures is focusing in on delivering a whole host of new miniatures for those diving into the Franco-Prussian War. Recent previews have been showing off the 28mm plastic French kit that is going to be released in the near future.
We are diving deep into the annuls of History with this new set of Community Spotlight golden buttons for this week. We're taking a trip from America through to Eastern Europe this time around.
Perry Miniatures has released two sets of new British Infantry for you to use during the American War Of Independence. You will be able to lead your troops into the midst of 28mm Historical battles with these new packs.
Join us for a Community Spotlight looking at a large Sci-Fi collection, some 10mm wargaming videos and a neat World War II project for Bolt Action.
Join us for a new episode of Cult Of Games XLBS! We dive into a discussion on finding personal attachments to our Historical wargames and hobby projects. Have you ever attempted something like this?
The Franco-Prussian War gets some new support from the folks at Perry Miniatures. Six new sets of 28mm miniatures have popped up for those playing as the French and the Prussians during this Historical period.
The folks at Perry Miniatures have been releasing some brand new metal miniatures for both the American Civil War and the War Of The Triple Alliance. We start this toe-dip into the Historical with some new American Civil War characters.
Perry Miniatures has shown off some brand new Prussian Cavalry for the period of 1806. If you're eager to snap up some Dragoons and Cuirassiers then you're in for a treat! So, pretty good for your Napoleonics.
Perry Miniatures showed off some fun new stuff at Salute over the weekend. The core of it was based around the coming of new Russian & Prussian Cavalry for use in your Historical wargames. Here are some of the 3Ups that were shown off.
We have a look at a cunning scheme, some Infinity goodness and the plot to bring lots of Ancients to the tabletop as well. Some great stuff for everyone!
The focus of Perry Miniatures shifts back to the American War Of Independence once more with four new releases. Each set allows to you build up some British Light Infantry and the famous Butler's Rangers!
See what you make of the work by the community this week including some Napoleonics, a toe-dip into Clash Of Spears and finally some Warmachine Winter Guard!
Warhammer: The Old World; Will You Take It Back? + Build Sci-Fi Terrain In Minutes #OTTWeekender
113It's OTT Weekender Time! Warhammer: The Old World, will you take it back? Also, we check out ace Sci-Fi terrain you can build in minutes.
Perry Miniatures has now released two of their plastic kits for your Franco-Prussian wargaming. You can now snag yourself some 28mm Prussians for use in building your armies for the period of 1870-1871.
Perry Miniatures has released three new sets for those wanting to dive into the War Of The Triple Alliance. The new packs give you Mounted Officers for the Brazilians, Argentines and Uruguayans that can be used to lead your forces.
Perry Miniatures are back with more Napoleonic miniatures, this time for the Danish & Norwegian forces of the period. Their High Command are now taking to the field as they try to direct the conflict and keep their troops marching through the snow.
Perry Miniatures has added a few more sets of Fusiliers into the mix for those wanting to play as the 1806 Prussian Army during their Napoleonic-era Historical games. The new sets are good for those looking to bulk up the rank and file of their army.
Perry Miniatures has released a new set of metal French Light Infantry for those diving into some Napoleonics on the tabletop. This helps build on their already extensive collection of French troops battling under Napoleon.
Cult Of Games XLBS: Do Vamps Make Good TV, Ben’s Painting Mojo Hits Overdrive & Lloyd Explores His Mystery Hobby Box!
52Come and join us for another wander down Cult Of Games XLBS avenue! Lloyd is joined by Ben, Gerry and Free to talk about what hobby they have been getting stuck into recently.
Perry Miniatures have a few options for those diving into Historical wargames set during the Napoleonic era and the War Of The Triple Alliance.
Perry Miniatures has been working hard on building up their Historical War Of The Triple Alliance range of later with new troops and more for the various countries involved.
Perry Miniatures are seriously building on their selection of options for the Franco-Prussian War.
Perry Miniatures have previewed some more work-in-progress images of their new Prussian Infantry who are coming to the tabletop soon for the Franco Prussian War period.
Perry Miniatures has previewed what's coming up next for those who like their Napoleonic warfare.
Perry Miniatures are building up their Triple Alliance range even more with a few new cavalry options for the Argentines and Brazilians for you to use during your Historical clashes down in South America.
Come and check out some stunning #PathOfConquest army painting, amazing Deathwatch Space Marines and the building of a big Afghan army for 1880s wargaming.
Perry Miniatures popped up with some fun previews of what's up next in their Napoleonic range recently as they showed off the 3ups for a selection of Prussian and Russian plastic miniatures which are on the horizon.
We're back with more Cult Of Games XLBS goodness as we try and solve a problem for Warren. Is Sci-Fi wargaming boring and if so, how do we make it interesting?
The Perry Miniatures twins have another set of new miniatures in the mix for those playing out the Historical battles of the War Of The Triple Alliance.
Perry Miniatures has now released another of their plastic kits for use between the 1800s and 1900s.
Perry Miniatures has another big bundle of Napoleonic goodness to drop onto your tabletop. This month saw the release of their new Spanish Cavalry in a myriad of different styles and for all manner of theatres of war.
Perry Miniatures have been working on the War Of The Triple Alliance recently but they also have some work-in-progress Historical miniatures to share for the Franco Prussian War of 1870-71 too.
Perry Miniatures has been showing off some of the new Cavalry options which have been dropped into the mix for their Historical War Of The Triple Alliance range.
Perry Miniatures bolstered their British and Swedish Napoleonic ranges once again over the last week or so. A lot more miniatures have popped up for this classic wargaming period and the focus for the British looks to be on a lot of new Dragoons.
Perry Miniatures has now released their first selection of twenty wargaming miniature sets for use in the War Of The Triple Alliance which took place between 1864-70 and effectively shaped the way we see Central and South America today.
Perry Miniatures has this week released their new plastic miniatures kit for the Austrian Napoleonic Cavalry.
Perry Miniatures are back to the grindstone when it comes to sculpting and getting new Historical releases ready.