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More Wolsung Renders & Sculpts From Micro Art Studios!


Check out some more ace miniatures coming out of the Wolsung SSG Kickstarter by Micro Art Studios also with the help of Prodos Games!

A Toy Maker & New Cards For Micro Art’s Wolsung SSG!


See what the Wolsung SSG Kickstarter still has to offer even though it's over! Their rather awesome toy maker is quite the miniature!

The Ash & Oak Club Rides Out In A New Wolsung Automobile


The Wolsung SSG Kickstarter might be over but the miniatures are still coming. The Ash & Oak Club are certainly getting a boost in staff!

Win Your Wolsung Kickstarter For FREE!


All you have to do is make sure you are a member of Backstage and fill out the form on this page to enter. We will pick a winner at random after the KS ends. Kickstarter has now ended!

Micro Art Studios Lay The Way For Your Godslayer Halodynes


Check out some of these snazzy looking bases from Micro Art Studio that are perfect for use with Godslayer and indeed any Greek themed army you can think of that uses round bases! Warhammer 40,000 Minotaurs anyone?

New Sculpts Revealed For The Steampunk World Of Wolsung!


The world of Wolsung wouldn't be complete without a few tentacled abominations and steampunk criminals with Gatling guns on their backs right?

Things Get Spooky Thanks to Micro Art’s Latest Bases


Micro Art Studios have released a couple of new bases from their webstore, expanding a previous selection with some even Spookier bases.

Grab Experimental Wolsung Rules & More With Micro Art Studios


See what you think of some of the new unlocks for the world of Wolsung by Micro Art Studios. You can even check out some experimental rules for their new factions!

More Fantastical Inventions For The Wolsung Kickstarter!


The Wolsung SSG Kickstarter is going great guns and there are some more amazing inventions on the way. Did I hear someone say Ninja Cats?

A Hive Tower Dominates The Alien Landscape Of Micro Arts


Some massive alien towers reach up into the sky from Micro Art Studios. Do you think this would have a place on your tabletop and if so how would you use it?

New Wolsung Sketches Revealed As Kickstarter Powers On


Some more sketches from the mad minds at Micro Art Studios have revealed a whole host of steampunk inventions. What do you think of that massive Big Robot!

Delve Into More Sneak Looks At The Wolsung Kickstarter!


See what you think of some more digital sculpts for the world of Wolsung by Micro Art Studios! These guys and gals have bags of character and are building on an amazing platform of brilliant miniatures by these folks.

Going Downtown With New Terrain Sets For Wolsung


A new and exciting terrain add-on to the Wolsung Kickstarter!

Get an Exclusive Look at the New Wolsung Kickstarter!


We have a bit of a treat for you guys today, as Micro Art Studios have been kind enough to send us a couple of exclusive images showing off the models that will be appearing in the upcoming Wolsung Kickstarter!

Micro Art Roll Out the Streets of Wolsung with Battle Mats!


Micro Art Studios have just published a quick preview of one of the awesome little extras that they hope to make for Wolsung with the help of the upcoming Kickstarter: Battlemats!

Micro Art Become Undead Activists With Discworld’s Reg Shoe


Micro Art Studios show off another of their brilliant Discworld Miniatures line. This time they're talking undead activists with Reg Shoe!

The Scylla of Wolsung Get Their First Mini


The first sculpt of the new Scylla faction in Wolsung SSG has been previewed by Micro Art Studio. Meet the second cousin of the Halfling crime family.

Pick Through The Bones Of Godslayer Themed Micro Art Bases!


See what you think of these new themed bases from Micro Art Studios where they delve into the world of Godslayer!

The Warehouses of Wolsung are Available from Micro Art!


If you've been watching our vids lately you will have seen the great Wolsung SSG table that Warren and Lloyd have made. On that table there are a pair of mdf warehouses, which have just appeared on the webstore of Micro Art Studio.

Ven Rier’s Agent Gets Green for Wolsung SSG


The first green of the new concept sketches Micro Art Studio have been showing off for Wolsung SSG has appeared, a sculpt of the spidery member of the creepy Ven Rier's Agents Club.

Ven Rier’s Necromantic Agents Stalk the Streets of Wolsung


Micro Art Studios have published some of the concept sketches for the second of the two new Wolsung factions; the sinister Ven Rier's Agents.

Micro Art Studios Help Protect Your Sci-Fi Dark Temple


See what you think of these futuristic defences for your sci-fi armies thanks to Micro Art Studios. The Dark Temple set looks great!

Prepare to Enter the World of Wolsung in Kickstarter


Exciting news for all you steampunk fans as Micro Art Studio have announced that Wolsung SSG will be heading to Kickstarter next month!

Micro Art Bring Some Familiar Discworld Faces to Salute


Well, I guess you will all know where to find me at Salute, as Micro Art Studio have announced that they will be releasing a new set of Discworld Busts.

Surround Your Infinity Buildings With Ace Micro Art Pavements


See what you think of these neat little terrain upgrade packs which add some surrounding pavement to your buildings and bring the Infinity world to life.

Scrap Over Micro Art Studio’s New Bases


Micro Art Studio have released a new range of bases that will send all your prized miniatures to the scrap yard.

Micro Art Studios Give Their Wraithstone Bases a Thick Lip


The wide range of bases available from Micro Art Studios has grown once again as they bring out a new set of Round Lipped Wraithstone bases.

“All Your Base Are Belong To Us” Says Micro Art Studios!


Check out some of the awesome base range from Micro Art Studios as well as an epic piece of TauCeti terrain that would be perfect for use in your Infinity games.

Check Out the Legs on Wolsung’s Upcoming Triad Member


A new concept sketch has appeared for the next member of the Triad of the Lotus Dragon who are seeking to take over the Wolsung Skirmish Game.

Micro Art Studios Stroll Down the Infinity Sidewalk


Micro Art Studios have put up a picture of their workbench, showcasing some new designed for Infinity pieces that they are working on.

Wolsung Send In The Steampunk Strongman With Archibald


Archibald Armstrong winds up his steampunk power fist and flings your models around like rag dolls in Wolsung!

Check Out The Deadly Wolsung SSG Xenah Qiang


See what you think of this rather deadly addition to the world of Wolsung from Micro Art Studios.

Feel the Power of Micro Art’s Latest TauCeti Terrain


Micro Art Studios have released their latest piece of hard foam TauCeti terrain, a power plant to bring a little energy to your gaming table.

Micro Art’s Cyber Fortifications Are the Terrain of the Future!


Micro Art Studio have released another set of their futuristic fortifications, with these ones being of a cool cyber style.

Micro Art Add To The Worlds Of Discworld & Wolsung


What do you think of the new additions to the Discworld and Wolsung range thanks to Micro Art Studios?

Winter Has Come to Micro Art’s Base Range


Since it's Christmas, maybe it is time to make your miniatures walking in a winter wonderland, or at the very least across Micro Art's latest Winter Shale base.

Some New Bases Are in Micro Art’s Pipeworks


Micro Art Studios have released a new selection of bases which are perfect for any miniature who finds itself in the industrial landscape of a steampunk world; the pipework bases.

Micro Art Make You a TauCeti Home


Home is where the heart is, or it could be in this cool new TauCeti Habitat from Micro Art Studio! Personally I think that's much better than living in a chest cavity.

Micro Art Build the Frontier of Wild West Exodus


We at Beasts of War are loving the new releases of Wild West Exodus and as we are also long term fans of the range of terrain from Micro Art Studio we are really excited to see them bringing out a selection of buildings for the weird wild west setting.

Find the Stores of Wolsung in the Store of Micro Art


Micro Art Studio have some new pieces of terrain for the steampunk Wolsung Skirmish Game providing your races with a bunch of stalls and walls to duck for cover behind, or maybe just buy apples from.

Micro Art Bring the Faces of Discworld to Life with New Busts


I love Terry Pratchett's Discworld. I own the books, the RPG rule book, the board games, the original PS1 game, a tooth from the set of Hogfather and even a Thud set. Now Micro Art Studio have something else to feed my addiction: Busts!

Furnish Your Wild West Exodus Boards Mid-November

11 years ago 10

Wild West Exodus is fast becoming a firm favourite of us here at Beasts of War and Micro Art Studios are making the world look all the more inviting with some upcoming terrain for mid-November!

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