It’s Time To Add To Your Ragnarok With Blood Rage Expansions

December 13, 2015 by brennon

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Almost as soon as the main board was released from CoolMiniOrNot the Blood Rage expansions have found their way out onto the tabletops too. Two of them are now available to help add to your apocalyptic Viking battling...

Gods of Asgard

The first of these is the Gods of Asgard expansion which add the likes of Odin, Thor and Loki to the tabletop with their own massive changes to the way you will play. Each of them influences the mechanics so that you will working out the best way to stay on their good side and use them to punish the enemy.

Gods of Asgard

You actually get miniatures within this set of the various Gods so you won't just be snapping up a selection of different cards and tokens. I think this could be a good spot for anyone who is interested in expanding the game and also having some more models to paint!

Mystics Of Midgard

Taking a more subtle approach we have the Mystics of Midgard which adds two mystics to each of the clans in the game. They will give you additional special rules in battles against your foes and tip the balance one way or another.

Mystics of Midgard

I haven't bought into Blood Rage just yet simply because I might have to wait until after Christmas but I can see myself getting all of the expansions for this as well. I like that each of the mystics you see are different sculpts to go with the various clans you can take into battle.

What do you think?

"Each of them influences the mechanics so that you will working out the best way to stay on their good side and use them to punish the enemy..."

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