10 Years of Munchkin with Steve Jackson
March 27, 2012 by atomsmasher
Adam has weaseled an interview with Steve Jackson, from Steve Jackson Games, about the latest in the world Munchkin... as always with Munchkin... it's insane!!!
There's also some news about what's new with OGRE in 2012!
Weeee ! Tentacles !
BoW Romain
I got to meet Steve very funny guy and very interested in what the customer wants. Sat with him in a dealers only setting drank a few brews with him. He asked us what we thought he should bring back and what improvements can be made I’m glad he seamed to listen to me and is bringing Ogre back (well I can only dreamed he listened to me. LOL)
I just loved hearing Ogre is coming back yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The original Ogre was a brilliant game. It seemed to lose its way a bit when it got buried under expansions, so it’ll be interesting to see what version they put in the new big box.
What, NO squeak? Im truly amazed at the lifespan of Munchkin and what it has become. It seemed to be a passing game to me, but it became larger than life game. I kid you not, I have see average day people play not just gamers. That tells you its appeal to the general public.
I wish you and your partners another 10 years of great games!