Steamforged’s Devil May Cry Kickstarter Ending Soon

May 21, 2019 by brennon

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Steamforged Games are closing in on the final day or so for the Devil May Cry: The Bloody Palace Kickstarter.

Devil May Cry The Bloody Palace KS Cover - Steamforged Games

The game is a competitive (or solo) game where you take control of Dante, Nero, V, Trish and Lady (in the expansion) as they battle demons. Each of you is looking to chain together awesome combos and get the highest score as you slaughter demons by the bucketful.

Here's the pledge as it currently stands, giving you an idea of the miniatures you'll be getting in the game.

Devil May Cry The Bloody Palace KS Pledge - Steamforged Games

The game is pretty well packed with all sorts of goodies for those that like the video game series, especially the latest iteration of the game that came out not long ago.  I do really like the awesome Devil Trigger expansion with those rather impressive miniatures.


If you're interested in learning how the game works then you can get an introduction to it from Steamforged Games' Jamie and James Hewitt here...

...and also a full playthrough of the game here.

Hopefully, this should tell you whether or not you should be diving in on this game.

Let us know if you've got involved with this campaign below...

"If you're interested in learning how the game works then you can get an introduction to it from Steamforged Games' Jamie and James Hewitt..."

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