Spiel des Jahres 2022 Board Game Nominees Announced!

May 24, 2022 by fcostin

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It's that time of year again; the honourable Spiel des Jahres award nominations have been announced. Giving a massive thumbs up to a number of finalists across three different categories - with the chance to be granted one of few prestigious awards within the world of board games. Widely known as our very own tabletop game title, "Game of the Year" awards.


Spiel des Jahres Nominations

First up in the three categories that were announced on Twitter this weekend, was the Spiel des Jahres award praising three awesome titles. With Cascadia, Scout and Top Ten up for selection.

Spiel Nominations -

Spiel des Jahres Nominations // Spiel des Jahres Awards

Three very different titles here, all offering different challenges and experiences for families to dive into. Cascadia from Kosmos, Flatout Games and AEG challenges players to create an ecosystem in harmony, laying tiles to create a wonderful habitat for wildlife in the Pacific Northwest. Scout from Oink Games puts players in the midst of a circus - utilising cards to obtain performers to create a competitive whirlwind circus show. Top Ten from Cocktail Games brings the party to the table - putting minds to the test as players place objects in order from logical to the most eccentric.

Kennerspiel des Jahres Nominations

Whether you enjoy a bit of deduction on a hexagonal grid, political navigation or card drafting for prosperity, the second award brings more mechanics to each title. Rewarding more advanced tabletop experiences with the Kennerspiel des Jahres award. Providing Cryptid, Dune: Imperium and Living Forest a platform for the ceremonies.

Cryptid - Osprey Games

Cryptid // Osprey Games

Dune Imperium - Dire Wolf Games

Dune: Imperium // Dire Wolf Games

Living Forest - Ludonaute

Living Forest // Ludonaute

Osprey Games' Cryptid will place players on the hunt for discovery - attempting to find the elusive cryptid. Sniffing out clues from opponents to deduce the location of the creature, players will be racing through misdirection to claim the glory of the discovery. Dune: Imperium from Dire Wolf Games places players in the world of Dune as leaders of one of the Great Houses of the Landsraad. Preparing for conflict, players must prepare forces for War to commence in Arrakis. Ludonaute's Living Forest encourages serenity on the lands as players work with the elements. Taking the role of friendly spirits to save the forest and sacred tree from peril.

Kinderspiel des Jahres Nominations

Finally, the the Kinderspiel des Jahres nominations. Awarding the best child-friendly and tabletop title across a wacky race of token collecting in Quacks & Co: Quedlinburg Dash from Schmidt Spiele, trundling sorcerers down a Magic Mountain from AMIGO and finally Auch Schon Clever also from Schmidt Spiele, as players fill their boots by the roll of the dice by hoarding the most goodies at a birthday party.


Quacks & Co: Quedlinburg Dash // Schmidt Spiele

Magic Mountain - AMIGO

Magic Mountain // AMIGO

A wide range of different tabletop titles this year, Cascadia being one of my favourite titles from last year, and I am always keen on a game of Cryptid! The winners of both the Spiel des Jahres award and Kinderspiel des Jahres awards will be announced on the 16th of July, whereas the winner of the Kennerspiel des Jahres will have to wait a little longer for the announcement on June 20th.

What of the nominees have you played? Who do you think the winners for each category will be? 

"Widely known as our very own tabletop game title, 'Game of the Year' awards..."

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