Seraphon & Nurgle Coming To Warhammer Underworlds

October 25, 2024 by brennon

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Games Workshop has previewed two of the new warbands coming to Warhammer Underworlds with the launch of the new edition. Followers of The Old Ones and Grandfather Nurgle will be rather happy with these additions to the game.

The Jaws Of Itzl - Warhammer Underworlds

The Jaws Of Itzl // Warhammer Underworlds

The Jaws Of Itzl are the first of the warbands, pledging themselves to the Seraphon cause. When they were separated from their Slann Starmaster, Sunblood Kro-Jax and his companions, Ro-Tak and So-Kar found themselves looking to try and save their perhaps buried Starmaster from the depths of the mines.

Jaws Of Itzl Miniatures #1 - Warhammer Underworlds

Jaws Of Itzl - Miniatures // Warhammer Underworlds

Jaws Of Itzl Miniatures #2 - Warhammer Underworlds

Jaws Of Itzl Miniatures #3 - Warhammer Underworlds

Jaws Of Itzl Miniatures #4 - Warhammer Underworlds

As you might have guessed, The Jaws Of Itzl are a fearsome and predatory warband who can maul their opponents when they defend and deal out more pain when their enemy is flagging and bleeding.

We'd previously see plenty of new Skinks for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar but this is one of the first new Saurus-centric sets for The Mortal Realms.

Perhaps pitted against The Jaws Of Itzl, you have Grandfather's Gardeners who are looking to spread the pox in the name of Nurgle.

Grandfathers Gardeners - Warhammer Underworlds

Grandfather's Gardeners // Warhammer Underworlds

Their aim is simple. Phlegmus Potbelly is there to spread his master's plague across The Mortal Realms and does so in Embergard alongside the Plaguebearers Slunge, Maggoty Strewg and Bug-Eyed Dripterus. You've even got the gorgeously rotting Squort following along for good measure.

Grandfathers Gardeners Miniatures #1 - Warhammer Underworlds

Grandfather's Gardeners - Miniatures // Warhammer Underworlds

Grandfathers Gardeners Miniatures #2 - Warhammer Underworlds

Grandfathers Gardeners Miniatures #3 - Warhammer Underworlds


Grandfathers Gardeners Miniatures #5 - Warhammer Underworlds

What's neat about this warband is that whilst the Saurus one above is more straight forward, Grandfather's Gardeners are more complicated as you'll need to keep an eye on the Blooming Plague and track its progress throughout the game, offering you different boons from time to time. It's not massively complicated and the focus will still be on your deck management but it can offer some good rewards if you work with it.

New card decks will also be coming out alongside these miniatures that can be used with them. You can also just make use of the various decks from the new Core Box if you prefer.

What do you make of the new miniatures for Warhammer Underworlds?

"Followers of The Old Ones and Grandfather Nurgle will be rather happy with these additions to the game..."

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