Rynaga… card games meet art?
June 7, 2011 by beerogre
Rynaga... it looks great... but what is it?
I was pointed in the direction of this game by one of our viewers... and I can't help but be intrigued by the level of professional design... so much so that I really want to see what this is all about!
So, I hunted around the interwebs and came across a copy of the rules here.
This all looks really interesting... but what do you think guys?
Is it worth a try?
You can follow the World of Rynaga on Facebook for more information.
BoW Andy
I like the graphics, but then again I like modern art…
BoW Romain
I’m not really big on the art style, but I would most likely give it a shot if someone brought it in on boardgame night. I’ll give most anything at least one chance. Except farming games. *grumble* Stupid agricola *grumble*