Rebellion Start Pre-Orders For Sniper Elite: The Board Game

May 20, 2022 by brennon

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Rebellion Unplugged is now taking pre-orders for their Sniper Elite: The Board Game! Get stuck into a neat tabletop recreation of the hit video game series as a one-versus-many affair.

Sniper Elite The Board Game - Rebellion Unplugged

Sniper Elite: The Board Game // Rebellion Unplugged

Designed by David Thompson and Rager Tankersley, this one-to-four player stealth-action board game has you sneaking about and getting ready to take down your enemies with daring plans.

During gameplay, one person plays as Karl Fairburne (the sniper) whilst the other players take control of squads of German soldiers that are defending their base and also hunting him down.

Sniper Elite The Board Game Gameplay - Rebellion Unplugged

Sniper Elite: The Board Game Gameplay // Rebellion Unplugged

In a reverse of most games with a cat and mouse feel to them, the protagonist's location is kept secret from the other players and your movement is tracked on a secret board. This means you'll get the feel of sneaking about in the shadows and setting up for the perfect shot or close-up takedown.

The defenders will need to fan out and plan where they move in order to track Karl's movements and take them down. Even if you don't know where he is, you can use your miniatures to watch over important areas of the map and narrow down your search.

If you'd like to learn how to play the game then check out the Watch It Played video here...

Sniper Elite: The Board Game // How To Play

Dávid Turczi and Noralie Lubbers also joined the team to create a set of solo rules. You control Karl whilst the game governs the actions of the Germans with an AI deck. I do like the sound of this and it's neat to be able to test your luck against both the game and your friends.

This sounds like great fun and I would love to give this one a go!

" person plays as Karl Fairburne (the sniper) whilst the other players take control of squads of German soldiers that are defending their base and also hunting him down"

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