Play Tetris On The Tabletop With Brikks
September 28, 2018 by cassn
In Brikks, players try to place falling bricks into their grid in order to score points.
On their turn, the active player draws a quadromino and then rolls a d6 and a d4 (with the option to reroll) to signal which quadromino will fall into the grid.
Players then draw the quadromino block into the bottom of their sheet, crossing out which spaces have been taken up in their grid. Scoring is conducted in various ways.
For example, when two colours match two energy points are collected, which players can then spend to rotate other blocks. Five energy points allow you to select a specific quadromino to place in your grid.
Players also have bombs they can place to blow up blocks, however, end game points are sacrificed by doing so.
The game is over when there is no more room to place another quadromino, however, all players get the opportunity to fill their grid before final scoring takes place.
For all intents and purposes, this is Tetris in a roll-and-write format. While I never like to be negative about any game, I really don't understand why you wouldn't just play Tetris on a phone instead. This feels much more complicated for the same outcome. I don't particularly like roll and write games though, so I'm happy to be corrected if I'm missing something.
Brikks will be demonstrating at Essen later this year and, hopefully, will be met with more enthusiasm there than here.
What do you think of tabletop Tetris? Tell us your thoughts below!
"On their turn, the active player draws a quadromino and then rolls a d6 and a d4 to signal which quadromino will fall into the grid."
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I agree some things are just better left alone. This does not need to be a board game.
This sounds like a daft idea….jumping on the computer game to board game conversion band wagon with a rather daft idea….
Nice blog with genuine information. Thanks alot.