Build Old London Bridge With Queen Games On Kickstarter

February 18, 2022 by brennon

Supported by (Turn Off)

Queen Games is on Kickstarter right now with Old London Bridge, a new strategy game that has you working to build the eponymous structure whilst competing to be the best architects!

Old London Bridge - Queen Games

Old London Bridge Kickstarter // Queen Games

Old London Bridge is set during 1136 and has you seeking to build the new bridge that had previously been consumed by fire. Two-to-four players will take on the role of competing architects who are playing cards in order to construct the 3D bridge in the centre of the game space.

Old London Bridge Components - Queen Games

Old London Bridge Components // Queen Games

Buildings need to be added with the relevant house numbers in and those with a coat of arms will grant special abilities, new character card choices and increase your income for future turns. The architect at the end with the most money becomes the winner!

Designers Gabriele Bubola and Leo Colovini have put together a light-to-medium complexity game that can be played in under an hour. I really like the bridge which adds a sense of scale to the gaming experience. It also seems like the game features a nice mix of bidding and building mechanics to keep things interesting.

A neat euro-style game to consider adding to your collection whilst the Kickstarter is up and running!

Are you tempted to check this one out?

"A neat euro-style game to consider adding to your collection whilst the Kickstarter is up and running!"

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

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