MegaCon Show Off Upcoming Heroes For The World Of MYTH

February 12, 2016 by brennon

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MegaCon Games have been showing off some of the characters for their upcoming expansions to MYTH in Journeyman. Some of these characters are looking great and provide a great teaser of what's coming for the game...

Battle Dancer

First up we have this Battle Dance which comes in two styles. There is the original sculpt (above) and then the alternative which is of a different gender and race. I think these are looking good as swashbucklers.

Battle Dancer (Alt)

As well as that we have some more mystical adventurers with the Elementalist, Weaver and Necromancer.




I think of all of the models we've seen from this preview the Weaver is my favourite. I love her smirking facial expression and the pose as she summons up energy to blast away her enemies. The Elementalist is also very good and I like the addition of natural 'armour' and 'weapons' to her giving her a wild edge.

Some very awesome looking characters!

"I think of all of the models we've seen from this preview the Weaver is my favourite..."

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