Marrow Productions’ Pilgrims Nearly Ready For Sale

July 21, 2015 by brennon

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Marrow Productions are getting ready for Journey to be out their in the big wide world and that means some of the miniature kits too. With that in mind they showed off a preview of their Pilgrim kits and the sprues inside them. Each of them is incredibly well detailed and looks superb...

Pilgrim #1

Pilgrims (Packaging)

Pilgrim #2

These models are made of resin in comparison to the plastic that you'll be used to seeing from the main boxed game. Dawn has done an incredible job on a pair of articles covering the game including a look at the Contents and one where she plays out a Quest showing off the mechanics.

You can actually give yourself the chance to win a copy of the game by commenting on the article. It looks a lot of fun.

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"Each of them is incredibly well detailed and looks superb..."

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