Are You Looking Forward To Corvus Belli’s Infinity: Defiance?

April 12, 2019 by brennon

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One of the games that has us excited for the future of tabletop is Corvus Belli's new dungeon crawler, Infinity: Defiance.

Infinity Defiance Cover - Corvus Belli

The game will feature characters from the Human factions of Infinity that are heading out on the ship known as Defiance to do battle with the dangerous and dastardly Combined Army.

Infinity Defiance Art - Corvus Belli

You will find yourself facing off against alien foes and exploring the world of Infinity in an entirely different way. The game will feature metal models and be completely compatible with the traditional tabletop game of Infinity too.

As a prospect for the future, this might be a good entry point for someone who is perhaps a little overwhelmed by the possibilities that are laid before you in Infinity.

Infinity has always been a game which has been incredibly exciting, but a little dense to break into. With Infinity: Defiance offering an easier entry point into the universe we are seeing this as a really good move from Corvus Belli.

"This might be a good entry point for someone who is perhaps a little overwhelmed by the possibilities that are laid before you in Infinity..."

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