Collaborate As Knights In A Kingdom In Peril With Oltree

January 7, 2022 by fcostin

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I cannot believe that it is almost six months since we were at UKGE. It only seems like it was last month where I was racing around the event with John by my side exploring tabletop title after title. Although time may have passed, the games that I kept an eye on at the event certainly have stayed at the forefront of my mind.

Oldtree - Studio H

Oltree // Studio H

Oltree from Studio H has now been released into retail, as players cooperate in taking on the role of Rangers amongst a dark age, against a tyrannical Witch-King. However, there is hope in the lands - these rangers sought out to aid in the safety of the people of Satrapy. Gearing up to rebuild and restore safety amongst the kingdom once more.

At the start of the game, players are provided with an assignment they must achieve for them to cooperatively win, as they journey through the narrative, seeing their way through The Chronicle, players will find their way into new opportunities to help the civilians and power forward to restore faith to the kingdom.

Oltree Meeples - Studio H

Gameplay Preview // Oltree

2-4 players will need to make their reputation known, earning fame through instances to allow the villagers to trust and know the rangers more. What I do remember at UKGE, this is no easy feat - being a ranger will take strategy and determination to reach the final chapter and end the tale to live in harmony. Plus, did I mention the stunning meeples?

If you want to learn more about Oltree, be sure to check out the UKGE Interview with Studio H taken August 2021:

Talking Oltree // Free & Studio H At UKGE 2021

The game can take roughly 60-120 minutes to play through - depending on how many of you there are in your path to city salvation. And you can certainly get a younger audience involved, pitched at 8+ for the whole family to join in on the adventure.

Would you like to experience the adventure of Oltree? 

"Plus, did I mention the stunning meeples? "

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