Indie Thursday: Tiki Gods, Travel Gaming & Top Designers!

February 14, 2019 by cassn

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Cass gets tortured by Ryan who, after a week off, is super excited to talk about the coolest new Indie game offerings around!

Indie Thursday: Tiki Gods, Travel Gaming, and Top Designers!

This week, Cass takes a look at TACTIKI, a two-player strategy game about elemental gods battling for dominance. Then, she gets excited about Trinity, a two-player travel game, suitable for any brave adventurer with an on-the-go gamer's itch.

Finally, she discusses a new documentary focusing on the people behind the products. The Game Designers follows some of the biggest names in the industry, alongside new blood, to explore the passion and the pitfalls in the design journey.

All this, and more, on this week's Indie Thursday!


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