IDW Games Talk New Batman Board Game, Gotham Under Siege
May 8, 2018 by brennon
IDW Games has talked more about their upcoming board game. Batman: The Animated Series - Gotham Under Siege is quite the long title but it brings probably the best iteration of Batman (in my opinion) to the tabletop.
The game can be played with between one to five players as they take on the role of Batman and his companions trying to stop the deadly criminals that threaten Gotham's streets. The mechanics focus around dice allocation and threat management as you try and keep all of your foes at bay.
The game comes with all new artwork based on The Animated Series, the models that you'll see throughout this article AND some 3D building elements too. This sounds like it's going to look awesome on the tabletop.
Additional releases after the main game will focus in on new characters, new villains and new themes for you to pursue, growing the base of the game and giving you more options for replayability.
I can't wait to see how this game comes together and how it plays. As a big fan of The Animated Series, I hope that IDW Games do this justice. The reach of this sounds impressive too with plenty of expansions in the works.
You'll be able to see previews of the game at Origins 2018 and a release later this year in August.
What do you think of the idea?
"The mechanics focus around dice allocation and threat management as you try and keep all of your foes at bay..."
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Any idea why Montoya isn’t her own piece? I’d have thought Gordon, Montoya and Bullock would all be their own pieces; it’d be like having Harley Quinn as part of the Joker piece rather than as her own one.
On the best iteration of Batman comment – it also has the best Joker and Harley Quinn; when I read the comics, it’d Mark Hamill’s voice I hear in the Joker’s lines.
I love the aesthetic of this. But, does the world need another batman miniature game? Ki night Models, Monolith(?) and now this – is it overkill?
Especially when I’m still waiting for a Flash board game with a speedster track to allowflask to compete against all the other speedsters..
After IDW completely butchered the TMNT minis. I’m passing on this.
I genuinely can’t decide if I like the renders or not. The animated series was all crisp lines and block colours, so I get what they are going for, I’m just not sure how these will look on the table.
Getting block colours and block shading to work on 28mm minis (Batman minis in particular) is something I really wish I could do.
Hope they do this justice because this animated series was the best adaption of Batman by far and the Joker voiced by Mark Hamill was second to none.
The artwork kind of misses the mark. It looks like only a semi-successful attempt to capture Timm’s style. And that Batman sculpt… ugh. Hard to begin with so much wrong with it. I think this one will be a pass.