Become Iconic Crooks In Talisman: Batman Super Villain Edition

July 9, 2019 by brennon

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USAopoly has now released their new take on Talisman with the Talisman: Batman - Super Villain Edition! This is no mere reskinning of the original Talisman as the game takes on a new lease of life with some incredible art, miniatures and more.

Batman Talisman - USAopoly

In the game, you don't play as Batman and his friends but the impressive rogue's gallery that features in the comic books. This means you're going to be playing as The Joker, Harley Quinn, Two-Face, Clayface, Mr Freeze and many others as you seek to claim dominion over Arkham Asylum.

Batman Talisman Miniatures - USAopoly

You are seeking to unleash prisoners and sow disorder throughout the prison whilst trying to stay out of the way of Batman (who you get a miniature for!), Robin, and Batgirl. As you can see, the team at USAopoly has put a lot of effort into making this set look as plush as possible with some really well-detailed playing pieces and colourful artwork.

Batman Talisman Player Board - USAopoly

It's a small thing, but I love the way they've tweaked the font to make it look like a set of files. Also, it's cool how the dials that you use to track your statistics fit snugly around your player profile. Neat!

A lot of love has gone into this version of Talisman and I reckon this could end up being a big purchase for those that love their Batman. Of course, it also uses the classic rules of Talisman so it's going to be exceptionally easy to pick up!

What do you make of it?

"I reckon this could end up being a big purchase for those that love their Batman..."

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