Guild Ball’s Brewers Guild Throw Their Weight Around

March 13, 2014 by brennon

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Guild Ball is still storming onwards with nine days to go and they have revealed another render showing off a member of the Brewers Guild. See what you think of this rather hefty gentlemen whose pint may have been spilled by some errant Kickstarter backer.

Brewers Guild Stave Render

Now that is one dangerous looking individual. I like the cartoon mix that they have going on with these models, drawing on that theme of Cadwallon that I have mentioned in the past. It seems quite a waste to chuck all that ale away but I'm sure it was spoiled anyway!

The one thing that I had a bit of a problem with was that the model didn't look much like the concept art, but I think once it's been giving a bit of colour that might change. It was mainly because I couldn't tell where the mustache was on the render to begin with!

Is this the Guild for you?

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