Combine Rummy And Storytelling In WizKids’ Detective Rummy

October 6, 2021 by fcostin

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We are heading closer to Christmas time, which means the big release dates are imminent. Players will be getting in the hottest and newest board games, tucked away ready for under the tree to unwrap for Christmas day. Tis the season to gift, therefore we can guarantee lots of new board games will be hitting the shelves from now and up until Christmas.

WizKids are at it again, with Detective Rummy now available to pre-order. As 2-4  players take on a new rummy-style story-telling experience, set in the theme of noir mystery.


Detective Rummy // WizKids

Players will take on the role of individual detectives in the hope to solve a crime and gain a cheeky bit of reputation in the meantime. Because who would solve crimes out of the goodness of their own heart?

Each player is thrown into the setting of concern, worry and mystery. Setting off from the Rummy Detective Agency, players will visit a series of locations across the time to hunt down some clues and solve the case.


Case Examples // Detective Rummy

The game plays out in a title of two modes: both campaign and standalone. So whether you want to make your way through a series of cases through the campaign with your buddies at game night, or tackle them one at a time - the choice is yours.

What does generally put me off of murder mystery type games, is that once you tend to find out who the killer is - the means to replay the game diminishes slightly. However, WizKids has added in 'Game Changer Cards', allowing the game to play out differently each time you open the box.


Resources Preview // Detective Rummy

If you are any good at Rummy, or are looking to expand your board games to those who only have a small set of mechanics they are used to. Detective Rummy makes a fantastic board game to translate players from traditional and classic parlour games, to storytelling grit.

Detective Rummy is set to bed released this Novemeber, and is now available to be pre-ordered online and at a vast majority of FLGS stores.

What do you think of Rummy being used as the main mechanic for a mystery title? 

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