CMON Begin Detailing The World Of Trudvang

July 4, 2019 by brennon

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CMON has been delving into the design and world of Trudvang ahead of the release of their board game, Trudvang: Legends. You might recognise the artwork for the game, crafted by the one and only Paul Bonner.

Trudvang Designer Diaries - CMON

Over a series of three articles (so far) the team have been talking about how they have adapted this fantastic Nordic-inspired Fantasy world into a board game. In the first article, they looked at the world of Trudvang...

"While much of the land is wild and untamed, there are still glittering cities and quaint villages. There is certainly no lack of adventure to be had, as getting merely from one settlement to another can be enough or a lifetime’s worth of stories. What stories will you create when you go adventuring across this wild and untamed landscape?"

...and in the second they delved further into the heart of this world known as Mittland. This is a place where fantastical stories take place and ordinary people can become heroes.

The final of the three articles so far looked at combat in Trudvang which is going to be at the heart of the game alongside the exploration elements. Combat in the game isn't done with dice but by drawing runes from a bag. You will then assign these runes to your different attacks and abilities although there is an element of risk and reward mixed in there too.

If you draw too many runes which can't be assigned then they count as failures and you can end up locking up and failing all of your assigned attacks. So, you need to make sure that you don't push yourself too far!

This drawing of runes is all done simultaneously so there is a real sense that if you go too far you might limit your companions. Also, if just one hero falls then the story comes to an end so you really have to work together in order to complete your quests.

A genuine tactic in the game is to retreat and flee from your foes, maybe after having given them a good smack around the chops. This might lead to that troll whose horn you broke last time coming back angrier than before and hellbent on killing you. Combat is also tied directly into the campaign and story where your decisions on where you stand and fight, or retreat, could change the course of a game.

I am loving the look of this already and I'm excited to see how the Kickstarter develops when it hits soon.

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