Backspindle Games Return to Discworld By Clacks

February 1, 2015 by dracs

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Backspindle Games, the makers of the Discworld based board game Guards! Guards! are once again returning to Terry Pratchett's fantasy world as they gave demos last weekend at Warpcon in Cork of their upcoming game Clacks.


If you don't know by now (and I don't see how, I go one about it enough) I am a huge, HUGE fan of Discworld. I really enjoyed Guards! Guards! when it came out, but felt that it suffered a little from some over complicated rules when compared with other Discworld board games.

However, Clacks looks a lot more back to basics, which is ironic considering it is focused upon what was until recently the most complicated machinery on the Discworld.

Clack Play Test

Clacks Prototype

On the Discworld, the Clacks is a complex network of semaphore towers that allow easy communication across the continent. They have developed to such a stage that they in many ways serve as an early form of email and internet, with everything from personal messaging to trade transactions occurring on them. They were featured heavily in the TV adaptation of Going Postal.

Going Postal

According to the information given on the Guards! Guards! Facebook, the game apparently has two modes; player vs player or a cooperative mode where players race against the Post Office. From this we can see the game is heavily inspired by the plot of Going Postal, which is no bad thing. I will definitely be looking forward to this game when it comes out this summer.

Did you play Guards! Guards!? How do you think Clacks might play out?

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"On the Discworld, the Clacks is a complex network of semaphore towers that allow easy communication across the continent"

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