Indie Thursday: Attack On Gerry, Multi-Gaming Decks & Panakizhi 3 Games In 1

January 31, 2019 by cassn

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Cass, Gerry, Sam, and Ryan get together to check out the coolest Indie games this week!

Indie Thursday: Attack On Gerry, Multi-Gaming Decks & Panakizhi 3 Games in 1

This week, Cass has a look at a new behemoth RPG, Reach of Titan with our own Goliath, Gerry. Then, Sam unleashes his inner hobbit to talk about a new multi-gaming deck which promises good things in small packages. Finally, Cass and Ryan sit down to discuss Panakizhi, a Make 100 minimalist game board which delivers big gaming opportunities!


Just in case you were wondering if you could get a Attack on Gerry Wallpaper, you can download it here. You're welcome.

What games are you interested in this week?

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