Adepticon Is Right Around The Corner

January 21, 2019 by deltagamegirl22

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It's already the middle of January, so that means that Adepticon is less than 3 months away! This year is shaping up to be bigger and better than ever with a full line up of hobby and gaming goodness March 27th-31st. Here's a run down on some of the latest additions you'll find at the show:

Cosplay is really picking up at the con and this year they are making it even easier to participate by bringing the contest to you! In the interest of respecting that gamers can also like cosplay, the judges will be roaming the convention center on Friday and Saturday of the con, on the look out for the best cosplay and displays. This way, you never need to leave your game be able to participate in the fun. The judges will even have a backdrop with them to take pictures and have you back in your game in no time!

Adepticon is not just for miniatures gamers, as they are playing host to a Catan National Qualifier Tournament on March 30th.

If you're looking for some of the most exquisite models in the industry, then look no further than the Forge World stand. To make things even easier, you can preorder your shinies before the convention to ensure you get exactly what you hoped for.

If seminars are more your speed, hopefully you managed to get into a class with the one and only, Alfonso Giraldes, a.k.a. Banshee.

Speaking of painting, Adepticon plays host to the very prestigious, Crystal Brush. Never have you seen so many talented people gathered together to share their skill. Looking at those Crystal Brush cases every day is one of my absolute favorite things to do at the show each year.

Gianna and I as well as Todd, John and Benjamin will be covering the show from top to bottom. If you're there, please stop us to say hello.

What would you like to see from Adepticon this year?

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