Embark On A 3D Pop Up Adventure In Board Game, Wonder Book

July 16, 2021 by fcostin

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Story and narrative is something I really enjoy as part of playing board games. Especially if I am able to go on a fantasy whirlwind adventure alongside whimsical characters as if taken from a storybook of age.

Wonder Book // dV Giochi

Upcoming from publisher dV Giochi later this year, the cooperative adventure Wonder Book does exactly that. Playing through a pop-up storybook as the board, players work together to journey through the fantastical world of Oniria.

As part of an adventure, up to four players can embark into the world on Oniria - going page by page across six different adventures, Following teenage friends to complete the campaign rich in whimsy.

The world of Oniria exists within an ancient dragon civilisation, stretching far and wide across woodland, field and serenity. However, getting in and gaining access is through the pages of the Wonder Book, and players can step into the pages ready to immerse themselves into a board game journey.

Wonder Book // dV Giochi

The campaign plays out as players draw their cards to develop the story. Uncovering new rules, new characters and goals to meet throughout each mission. Each character has their own set of rules and abilities which will be utilised throughout, so picking a character to playstyle will be a breeze.

As part of the campaign, players will come up against enemies on their turn. Enemies will be activated to move, attack and even engage with other parts around them in the story. Including not just battles, but puzzles, bosses, riddles and minigames for players to sink their teeth into.

Wonder Book // dV Giochi

I really do enjoy the concept of using a storybook as a board. This is something that blew my mind when the announcement for Sleeping Gods was released on Kickstarter, and of course, Stuffed Fables utilises the storybook as part of a story before bed. However, the "pop-up" aspect is relatively new, and I will personally be interested to see how this aspect is incorporated into play.

Wonder Book // dV Giochi

Don't want to adventure with friends? Wonder Book supports solo play too, so although this can be a challenging experience. The play is not capped for solo adventurers in seek of story-filled whimsy! But if you did want to play with all four of you, considering that this is a cooperative experience - you win together or you lose together.

The game is set to release this fall, in Q3 of the year, so be sure to keep an eye open at your FLGS for this new unique board game experience.

What do you think of the 3D Pop-Up Aspect?

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